The schism between science and religion

Blog Forums Reconstruction Atheism, Agnosticism & Science The schism between science and religion

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Gerrard 1 year, 1 month ago.

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    I never heard the divide between science and religion to be called a schism but I think it fits.

    Science does not have to equal atheism, or extreme materialism however it can and has and is associated as such.

    Religion (such a dirty word) is simply collective spirituality and science is simply a continual thirst for objective truth.

    When really the subjective truths of collective spirituality and the objective truths of science to me should be married; like sun and moon.

    Profile photo of Schroedingers-Cat

    Have you seen the facebook discussion around this topic? Its just that it has attracted a whole lot of replies and debate, that I am not sure anyone (least of all me) wants to repeat here.

    Not wanting to close down debate here, just not wanting to repeat myself. Well, not too often, anyway.

    Profile photo of starfielder

    I like it that you’re thinking about this Gerrard. This topic comes up a lot here in forums and yes on the fb page. It’s worth looking at the treads here on forums… folks have some interesting things to say!



    Hm, interesting. I’ll check those out.


    Rob Lentz

    I think that science and religion are attempts to know the answers to two different kinds of questions.  To me, science is looking for answers to how, and why; whereas religion is dealing with questions like what does it mean.  For me, last night sitting out under a starry sky with a campfire going, my religious convictions pretty much stop at the wonder of why there is something, rather than nothing.  Everything else seems to be speculation.  I think science can tell us how the stars got there (big bang, etc), just not what it means that they’re there.



    Rob – That is interesting and I love everything you said.

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