The Tragic Outcomes Religion May Induce
The other day a person on Facebook posted a video of the Pentecostal revivalist A. A. Allen healing a boy at a tent revival meeting. The boy had a rare disease that caused him to be born without bones in his legs. The video claims he healed the boy and he could walk....
Get help!
This letter is short and sweet. My argument is simple: Get help! What I mean is: use whatever resources are available to you to invest in your own personal growth. When I got last year’s taxes done, I saw in black and white (and red) exactly how much I invested in my...
Growth is Growth
When I was visiting my family earlier this month it dawned on me that my personal growth and spiritual growth are not two separate things, but exactly the same thing. I grew up with my understanding of “God” being pretty much identical with my understanding of...
Sick Relationship with Self, Others, and the World
Lisa and I are going on a much-needed vacation to visit my family in Toronto where we will just relax, eat, drink, and be merry. We will navigate around difficult topics like Trump and Fox News. But we’re experts so we are not worried about it. We’ll have a great...
The Importance of Jumping in the Deep End
Most of us were taught to only read, learn, and think what was handed to us. We were to digest and regurgitate what was fed to us. We were only to expose ourselves to that which was recommended. I clearly remember like it was yesterday when I was a country pastor of...
What If My Triggers Become Phobias?
I was invited to a Toastmasters meeting last Tuesday night. I went. But not until after a bunch of trying to decide and coaxing from Lisa. I was nervous about going. I didn’t want to get trapped into some arrangement I was unhappy with. Lisa pointed out that my life...
The High Value of Creative Spirituality
As most of you probably know, I’m an artist. I don’t just cartoon. I also paint and draw. I’ve been doing it since I was a kid. Now, I always used to draw and paint and just enjoyed it. I thought I was doing it just for the pleasure of it. Yes, as an artist, I get...
Do You Still Believe or Not?
I got a message from someone this morning. I’ve only met her many times. I know her son. But we haven’t talked in years. So I found it strange and out of the blue to receive it. Here’s part of the message: “I remember when you left the ministry and I appreciate the...
A Few Good Friends
Last night Lisa and I went to a party. There were tons of people there. Many of them were from the last church I pastored. Lisa and I agreed that it was awkward at moments, uncomfortable almost always, and strange to say the least. But the one thing we did agree on is...