My Dream about Father Issues
So today I want to share a powerful dream I had the other night, then try to walk through it together with you to maybe unlock its meaning. It’s powerful to me because it involves the symbol of father. Here’s the dream: I am sitting across the table from two guys....
Revisit “The 5 Stages of Deconstruction”
This is a video I made over 3 years ago specifically for TLS, but a year ago or so I opened it up for others to view. It’s not viral or anything, but on about a weekly basis I hear from someone who has really benefited from it. So I thought I would share it again with...
You are ALL Beautiful!
The other day I said to a good friend, "You're perfect. It's just integrating the pieces." I remember once reading the theologian John Calvin and he said that the Fall represented the disintegration of the person. Unfortunately, he grimly believed the disintegrated...
Who Cares What You Believe?
I am just going to ramble here, reveal an ugly part of myself, and I’m going to swear because this is what happened. I’m kind of sharing my rant with Lisa during our walk yesterday. A rant against myself. I’m going to give you a peek into it. The other day a friend...
It’s Okay to be Moved by Beauty
Beautiful is good. It’s good to be moved by the beautiful. In fact, I’ve come to believe that when I’m deeply moved by something I think is beautiful, it is indicating to me something that is deeply true. I’ve had many such moments in my life. I remember when I first...
I Love You. I Just Don’t Understand You.
Last year I had a dream in which my father told me I should perhaps come to see him because he wasn’t sure he had much time left. So I did. That week I caught a plane and went, by myself, to see him. I was there for a week. It wasn’t until one of the last nights there...
Vacation and Resources
Hi guys! This letter has 2 purposes: First: Lisa and I are going on a much needed vacation tomorrow. We’ll be gone for a week. Apparently there’s no internet where we’re going, so I’ll be off the radar. Amazing! I think I’ll like it. I love how the community is...
It All Came in a Package
It all came in a package. The abuse I suffered. The control I was under. The theology I was fed. The denomination I was in. The community I was provided. It all came as a package. Some people tried to convince me, and some still do, that it was just the abuse I...
On the one hand thoughts, on the other, actions.
It has always fascinated me how our thoughts can be so detached from our actions. This realization started growing in me when I was a teenager in the church. They would say and do things that shocked me because it was so out of character from the way they proposed to...