Love and Torpedoes Be Damned!
I hope you are all having a lovely holiday. We, at our house, celebrate Christmas because we appreciate the import of the story and the legitimate and powerful message the story conveys for all the earth and all those in it. I also appreciate how you celebrate this...
Deeper into the Darkness
We go through several spiritual stages. I know I have. Here’s the trick though: As you proceed through these various stages, the voice of That Which We Call God grows quieter and quieter and, in my experience, completely silent. You see, in the past as I grew closer...
I’m Just Me, Take it or Leave it!
I met with an old minister friend yesterday. I mean… we ministered in the same area 25 years ago. Lisa and I visited his church on Sunday and he wanted to meet up for coffee, so we did on Monday. It was an interesting meeting because internally I was feeling no stress...
How the Church Dropped the Ball
I mentioned in our Facebook group that Lisa and I went to church on Sunday. We went for a couple of reasons. 1. I love renaissance church music and was hoping to hear some. Nope. 2. We are trying to find ways to connect with other people. Nope. It is a high Anglican...
Diamonds Falling from Heaven
I had a strange thing happen to me the other day. A friend posted this picture on facebook. This friend is from years ago when I was in the renewal movement… a movement in which the Vineyard church was involved, and included miracles, very passionate worship music,...
The Oughts, The Musts, and the Shoulds
I don’t know about each one of you personally, but I’m sure many of us grew up and lived in a religious context that was defined by ought and must and should. So many rules! Expectations! Goals! Dangers! Warnings! They weren’t always explicit though. They were...
I’m Not Crazy and You Can’t Make Me!
I have a rambling confession. Please bear with me. This last week has been one of the most personally traumatic weeks of my life. What made it so traumatic for me was that I felt betrayed by the media. When I say “media” I mean mainstream media, and I mean generally....
Goodbye to the Ghetto
Goodbye to the Ghetto Not longer ago in our private Facebook group I shared that I was experiencing some grief. I feel like I’m losing something and moving on to a new place that is unfamiliar but not unpleasant. I appreciate that some of you have reached out to me...
Don’t Be Afraid
I have spoken with many of you one on one. I’ve spoken with many others as well. The topic: the change of beliefs and the fear that accompanies it. What’s the first thing I say when someone describes to me the changes in their beliefs and the terror they are feeling?...