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a compassionate intelligence

My favorite scientific reading is that of physicist David Bohm (1917-1992). I suspect he influenced my thinking to the extent that I had my waterfall dream which in turn prompted me to start writing the z-theory. His scientific and quantum theories are fascinating....

falling in love

I am suspicious of ideologies and systems. Two quotes from Naomi Klein: "I think anyone who falls in love with a system is dangerous, because the world doesn't comply, and then they get angry at the world." "Ideology serves as sort of a cover story to rationalize...

love doesn’t control

Love doesn't control people. We have 3 grown children. I would love to control them so that they would always make wise choices, always be safe, and never do anything to hurt themselves or others. But I can't do that. They are individuals who have to live their own...

are we holy hoarders?

I've only watched a couple episodes of Hoarders and that's all I want to watch. We will keep everything from twist ties to TV sets. The emotional, sentimental and psychological attachment we may develop with our things is shocking! There are memories connected to each...

Meet a Member podcast: Robin Kirk

We are doing these Meet a Member podcasts because: They help us realize we're not crazy. They might introduce us to a new potential friend. They can provide us wisdom and resources for our own paths. I'm always amazed at the fascinating personalities, the depth of...

What do you want?

I was Skyping with another TLS member yesterday and asked her a simple question: "What do you want?" It's a simple question, but one I used to find impossible to answer. Many years ago when I was in one of my times of confusion, a mentor asked me the same question and...

how forgiveness is sometimes easier than easy

I want to tell you a story of what happened to me last night. Lisa and I were invited to a friend's house. She was one of my leaders and we were great friends. But when I left the ministry and the church we had a kind of falling out. We've been working on restoring...

Meet a Member Podcast: Charles McGarry

Today we're meeting Charles McGarry. He and his wife Kellie are both members of TLS. He had been in pastoral ministry for many years but left ministry and the church in 2011. He's come a loooooooong way. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN

desire means lack

The great French psychologist philosopher Jacques Lacan said that desire is not a relation to an object but a relation to a lack. We don't desire what we have, but what we don't have. The second noble truth of Buddhism is that desire causes suffering. Closely linked...