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Meet a Member Podcast: Kenetha Stanton

Meet Kenetha Stanton. She was raised in the the Southern Baptist church. She ain't there no mo! She's come a loooooooong way. Near the end of the interview, I asked Kenetha, "If someone asks you, 'Do you believe in God?', how do you answer that?" I thought her reply...

Meet a Member Podcast: Giordana Toccaceli

I finally got our next Meet a Member podcast prepared with Giordana Toccaceli, a member of The Lasting Supper. The audio on her end isn't the best, but I beg you guys to listen through. She has a ton of valuable stuff to say that I just know is going to help many of...

it’s okay to try to pinpoint where you are right now

When I was down in the Dominican Republic several years ago I got up early every morning and walked the beautiful sand beach as the sun rose. I’m an early riser, so it was always a pleasure. One morning I took my journal. When I finished my walk I wrote down exactly,...

your whole life doesn’t have to fall apart

When I left the church in 2010 I was numb for about a year. I thought I was doing great when in fact I was completely unaware of how unwell I was. I was going through a massive transition and my favorite way of dealing with stress is to turn off self-awareness and...

you don’t need to be anywhere

I don't need to be anywhere. I don't need to be a Christian. I don't need to be in church. I don't need to be an atheist. I don't need to sign a membership card. Anywhere! Except maybe Cosco. Courage means continuing in spite of the fear. The fear of not belonging...


I just wanted to use that big word. There! I feel better now. As we deconstruct our theology and beliefs, it is natural to be afraid. But remember: The image is not the thing. The word is not the thing. The idea is not the thing. The image: De-anthropomorphizing is...

free download of a painting to cool you down

Wow it's hot here! So to help cool you guys down, I thought I'd give you a free download of one of my popular paintings of a redbird in a snowstorm. You can use it on your computer or print it out and hang it up if you want. It's free for you to use. Just click on the...

Meet a Member: Christine Marietta

Hey everyone! Another "Meet a Member" podcast. Today you're going to meet Christine Marietta, one cool person among the many members of The Lasting Supper. Listen to our interview by CLICKING HERE. If you want to be introduced to the TLS members, just let me know....

Exercise: losing belief with help

Here's a good Saturday Spiritual Supplement. Try this. Last night I wrote a tweet, "Just remove one overused clichéd word from your vocabulary, like the word "believe", and see how it helps shape a new way of thinking." Actually, even though deconstruction is a scary...