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Being Heard is Being Healed

The Lasting Supper is a different kind of community. I’m not saying we’re special. Okay… maybe I am. But not in a boastful way. Just in a matter-of-fact way. I’ve been a member of many online communities, and from my observation they just don’t do well. There is...

Goodbye Chris McGill

For those of you not keeping up with the news in our private Facebook group, I have an announcement you should hear. One of our founding members and facilitators, Chris McGill, passed away suddenly on Thursday. He was at work and was found in the bathroom. The autopsy...

The True Value of Community

When I left the church in 2010, I left the luxury of ready-made community. I’ve tried other things since, including Toast Masters, but nothing came even close to the quality, depth, authenticity, accountability, and intimacy of community the church potentially...

It All Came in a Package

It all came in a package. The abuse I suffered. The control I was under. The theology I was fed. The denomination I was in. The community I was provided. It all came as a package. Some people tried to convince me, and some still do, that it was just the abuse I...

The Enormous Pressure to Belong

I have been publicly sharing my work online for over a decade. The name “nakedpastor” originated from my desire to bare my soul as a pastor, to be honest about my journey, my thoughts, my vocation, my life, and to be vulnerable about my weaknesses and struggles as...