by David Hayward | Apr 29, 2018 | David's Letters, I'm sad
It’s with sadness I announce the passing of another TLS member, Sarah Courtney-Dean. Just a couple of months ago we lost Chris McGill. That was a serious blow to our community. So is the loss of Sarah. Let me quote Ruth Calder-Murphy, one of our founding members who...
by David Hayward | Jan 28, 2018 | David's Letters, I'm sad
For those of you not keeping up with the news in our private Facebook group, I have an announcement you should hear. One of our founding members and facilitators, Chris McGill, passed away suddenly on Thursday. He was at work and was found in the bathroom. The autopsy...
by David Hayward | Mar 1, 2015 | David's Letters, I'm sad
Sometimes things seem so surreal. The last church I pastored, a Vineyard church (the one pictured here), just closed its doors and sold all assets, including the building, all the people have dispersed, and the pastor I’d left in charge moved away. Gone. All of it....
by David Hayward | Oct 19, 2014 | David's Letters, I'm sad
My Dog Died: Reflections On Friday Abby died. I was out when Lisa called me on my cell and said Abby was actively dying. I rushed home. Abby was lying on a pillow on the floor. Lisa and Casile were with her there. I got down too. Eventually Jesse came home and joined...