by David Hayward | Oct 21, 2018 | David's Letters, I'm okay
OUR MANIFESTO: I first published this Manifesto for Spiritual Independence in 2012 when I started The Lasting Supper. Many of you might not have seen it. So I’m posting it again. I post it every once in a while to remind us of what some of our values are....
by David Hayward | Oct 11, 2018 | David's Letters, I'm angry
When People Talk About You Someone told me yesterday that if I didn’t offend someone by noon then I wasn’t doing my job. I don’t intend to offend people. But I do. I just want to underline the errors and highlight the truth. This is a very offensive sport. It’s...
by David Hayward | Sep 22, 2018 | David's Letters, I'm sad
Ending Bad Relationships Lisa and I have been talking a lot lately about relationships. I expressed to her today that it’s curious to me how she and I are in totally different places when it comes to ensuring our relationships are healthy. She ends a relationship if...
by David Hayward | Sep 1, 2018 | David's Letters, I'm okay
DO IT YOUR WAY I tell everyone who is deconstructing, changing their beliefs, or losing their religion, or whatever: “Do it your way!” Each one of us is a unique individual with our own paths before us. How we become spiritually independent will look different from...
by David Hayward | Aug 26, 2018 | David's Letters, I'm okay
Take Care of Your Vessel: Whether or not you believe you have a soul or a spirit or an inner self, I do believe we can agree that it is our body that is our vessel. It’s how we are in the world, and how we get around. Our body is our vessel. What I’ve discovered when...