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your sport your style

your sport your style

I’ve never been much of a team sports player. I prefer things like hunting, fishing, hiking, kayaking, long distance running… the kind of sports that you usually do alone. At least I do. Or maybe with one or two buddies. No… with me it’s alone. Like when I...
Letter: “you are your brand”

Letter: “you are your brand”

I watched an interview on PBS of the fashion designer and humanitarian Kenneth Cole. It was quite fascinating. But he said one thing that really stuck with me. He was asked about branding and how he feels about promoting the Kenneth Cole brand since things are...
getting outside your box

getting outside your box

Lisa and I got a room uptown New Year’s Eve. It’s the first time in a long time we had a chance to get away, even for 24 hours. It was nice. While I was waiting on Lisa to get ready, I watched PBS news, The Journal. It was a treat to watch. It is an...