"Beware of half-truths…"

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of  Anonymous 1 year, 8 months ago.

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    Not sure quite where to put this. It’s kinda funny, but kinda not.


    A number of years ago my church bought and printed a whole heap of coffee mugs. One side had the church’s name, the other side has the text “Beware of half-truths: You might have the wrong half!”

    I have one of these mugs and saw it in the cupboard this morning. Since my current crises in belief, the meaning of that line has changed considerably…






    Profile photo of moxierocks

    That is kinda funny. :)

    I have a thought. Maybe you can’t have an actual truth/falsehood hybrid or half truth. I think that lies are to truth what oil is to water. You can put them in the same container, and you might even be able to shake them up until they kind of look like they’re together, but when you stand back and leave it still for while, the two become quite distinct from each other again. You just cannot actually mix them together. In my experience, truths can be found in many places. Even, and sometimes especially, in the midst of lies. In a way, it’s kind of like a treasure hunt, with all that dirt around, the treasures of truth will shine bright when you find them! :D



    David Hayward

    An atheist friend of mine on tumblr said the other day that it all seems true if you ignore the other side of the coin. I like that.

    Profile photo of Shift

    Liking the metaphors @moxierocks! :P And too true @admin. A lot of people are living in blissful ignorance of the contrary arguments to their “truths”. I find it much more constructive and enlightening to seek out all the arguments for truth, from whichever world view, whether it be Atheism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism etc, I think then you can truly begin fork out your own interpretation of truth.

    Profile photo of

    Oooooo – inteesting, what is “truth”. Human reasoning hasn’t been able to put the finger on that one! Many arguments about what truth is. Seems human dynamics an social cohesion and conditioning come to play in perception of truth. Trajedy is when there is conflicting views on debabtable issues then what we see is breakdown, even war. Love cares about more than winning an argument over a debatable issue. And love is the ultimte truth. At least that is my view about what the ultimate truth is *wink*.


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