Book Idea!

Blog Forums Reconstruction Laugh Links & Ideas Book Idea!

This topic contains 9 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Ruth Anne Ruth Anne 1 year, 11 months ago.

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    Profile photo of moxierocks

    Okay, so I was just perusing my old writings from back when I used to write a lot more often..and I found a couple of the short fictional (and quite nonsensical) stories that I wrote. I was planning on putting a book together called “Random Stories!” and each of the stories in it would be incredibly random in almost every way. I am a lover of silliness, it’s true. Please don’t worry if you don’t “get it”…I know not everyone has my particular brand of a sense of humor. LOL!

    Here’s the first one I wrote!

    “Barnaby Bill”

    by Jessi Blue (aka Moxie)

    Once, inside my head……. Just beyond the town of Perception, around the bend called Reason, there is a city. This city is very great and full of many inhabitants. It is called Mysteri. In the very heart of the city, where the people go about their busy lives, there is a little man named Barnaby Parvigno Herman Williams the 3rd. (or Barnaby Bill for short) He lives at the corner of Pomp and Circumstance, and every morning he goes to work at the local popsicle stick factory. When he is done with work, at precisely 6 o’ clock in the evening, he goes home to his little tiny house on the corner, with it’s old, creaky door, and leaky roof.He dines on a feast of rice and beans, beans, and rice. After a sip of kiwi juice, Barnaby Bill usually settles into his nice, comfortably worn beanbag chair in front of the radio, and listens to some Salsa-style music played by a monkey on the harmonica. If you listen very hard, you can almost hear the ocean! As Barnaby Parvigno Herman Williams the 3rd falls asleep, he dreams of a giant marshmallow shaped camera that can take pictures of green and yellow hermit crabs. There is a French German puppy with very humiliating eyes, also in his dream, and he does not know why. It frightens poor Barnaby Bill, and he awakes with a start! In his fear, he exclaims, “Exploding Chocolate Robot Lips!” and falls off of his beanbag chair into a pile of ripped paper. After gathering his wits about him, he placed them in a pink envelope, licked and stamped it, and sent them off to Finland. We will never know what made him do it! After all, that is all that happened every day in the life of Barnaby Parvigno Herman Williams the 3rd.THE END


    • This topic was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Profile photo of moxierocks moxierocks.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by  David Hayward.
    Profile photo of Ang

    You made me laugh.  It made perfectly good sense to me!!!  Quite entertaining.



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    I love your imagination, sense of humor, and silliness Mox! Especially loved the  “Exploding Chocolate Robot Lips!” line!



    If you could get a band like Led Zep, Cream, or Tull to set that to music, you’d be rich!

    Profile photo of moxierocks

    Hahaha!  Thanks, everyone…:D

    I think you’re right, Randy! Lol!

    Profile photo of moxierocks

    So should I post the other random story I found? Should I put that book together? ;P



    Moxie, you should definitely put something together, and self-publish it.   I could really see that being a sellout book for teaching reading to kids or adults; it’s so much better than most of the crap they sell for kids these days.  You wouldn’t even need it illustrated because the images just flow while you read it; nothing is what you expect. Seriously.   Put it on Amazon, or sell it as an e-book. Then there will be the TV cartoon series, then the movies….

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    Yeah Mox – Definitely post the other other story (can’t wait to read it!) and David is absolutely right.

    You need to put that book together! You have real writing talent and ability! The very pen or pencil you hold in your hand, could turn out to be your answer to creating a better financial future for you and your family!

    I can’t help but think of the story of Moses when God chose Moses to lead his people out of Egypt. Moses starts making excuses: I can’t speak well…The people won’t believe you chose me…the people won’t listen to me, yada, yada.

    Then God says to Moses (in Ex. 4:3-4, ch. 17), “What isthat in thine hand? And he said, A rod.  And he said, Cast it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from before it. And the LORD said unto Moses, Put forth thine hand, and take it by the tail. And he put forth his hand, and caught it, and it became a rod in his hand: That they may believe that the LORD God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath appeared unto thee.

    Exodus 17 says that not only did Moses use that very rod to perform many of the plagues that came upon the Egyptians, but Moses used that rod to part the waters of the Red Sea, which provided the Israelites a way of escape from the extreme bondage and poverty they were in. Moses also struck a rock with that rod which provided drinking water for his thirsty people wandering in the wilderness. And during at least one battle, as long as Moses raised that rod above his head, the Israelites were victorious in conquering their enemies!

    When we are looking for solutions to our problems, it can be like the infamous search for the illusive Holy Grail. We exhaust ourselves searching high and low, only to eventually find we have been holding it in our very hands and drinking from it all along. Sometimes, all we need to do is recognize and use the very thing we already hold in our hand!


    Profile photo of Ang

    Yes, post another one.  And yes, put the book together.  You go, girl!!!

    Profile photo of Ruth Anne
    Ruth Anne

    Kind of Shel Silverstein feeling. It’s great – ebooks are all the rage right now… Go for it.

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