I am a Mama Bear, hear me RAWWR!

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This topic contains 11 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of moxierocks moxierocks 1 year, 10 months ago.

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    Profile photo of moxierocks

    Yeah, this is about what happened to my 10 year old daughter on her bus ride home from school yesterday..

    I am so thankful that magdni was able to let me vent to her yesterday. It made the rest of my evening so much easier to get through! Today, I am still feeling kind of pissed, and anxious to find out what action the school is going to take to address what happened.

    Oh, I guess I should tell you what happened:

    My daughter showed up at the front door pale as death, and a puddle of tears. She could barely speak at first, she was so very upset! When she could catch a breath, she told me that a boy in the grade below her (so he must be a 4th grader) came and sat next to her and asked:

    “Do you believe in God?”

    Now before I continue with what happened, let me tell you…

    In our home, we have given our children the freedom to choose what they believe as far as God is concerned. We teach our children to be loving to everyone, no matter what, and we are trying to help them understand that loving people doesn’t mean we let them walk all over us. Unfortunately, Alyssa has struggled to find a balance, but she’s only 10!

    Alyssa said something like, “I’m not sure you’ll like my answer, so I don’t think I want to talk about it.”

    How this kid responded according to her telling of the incident is unbelievable.

    She said that he stood from his seat and started yelling and saying “You believe in God, DONTCHA!?? You believe in Jesus, DONTCHA!!?? DONTCHAAA!!??? How else do you explain the universe!!?? What do you think happens when you DIE!!????”

    She said that while he was interrogating her like this, he started yanking on her arm and in between screaming at her, he was whispering cuss words in her face!  Example: She said he kept yelling , “DONTCHA!!??? DONTCHAAA!!!???..and then got quieter but right in her face and said, ”   Don’t you fucking believe in JESUS!!??” 

    She said she didn’t even really get to finish saying her response, and that he was acting crazy…and then when she lost it and just shrunk down in her seat and started crying, this kid goes to the seat behind her and started instigating a bunch of whispering in that section of the bus all about how “ridiculous that Alyssa doesn’t believe in God!” She was absolutely horrified, hurt,and her little spirit was crushed..she cried all the way home, and not a single soul on that bus gave a flying rats ass.

    The amount of anger and “Mama Bear RAGE” that boiled up in me was immense. I am thankful that I was able to control myself in front of my children, and on the phone to the principal…But, what a little shit!! And who the hell are his parents??? :(

    The principal of their school seems to be taking this seriously…i should find out more today what plan of action they are going to implement.

    And now you know what I was talking about. :P

    Profile photo of Ang

    Mox, I kept thinking about this last night.  So sad that not only are we adults traumatized by religion, but your sweet daughter was treated like this.  Sad, sad, sad.  Hug your daughter for me.


    Profile photo of starfielder

    So, Mox, did the principal call you?

    Profile photo of Ruth Anne
    Ruth Anne

    What a terrible story. What a stupid screwed up kid! I’m so sorry for your poor daughter. I hope he gets in really big trouble for bullying. So sorry.. . so traumatic!

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    Oh Mox – I am so sorry! I hope your daughter will be able to heal and bounce back quickly. The shame that kid tried to dump on her belongs to him – not her. Actually I think it belongs to his parents! The whole thing makes me wonder what kind of toxic religious upbringing that kid is being subjected to at home???  I hope the school takes the appropriate action and makes it clear to ALL its students that this kind of behavior is WRONG and it will NOT be tolerated!

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    Whoa.  O_O  I’m speechless. That child’s parents – what are they doing to him? What are they teaching him? Or someone – he’s getting it from somewhere. Prayers and healing for you and Alyssa as you both navigate the various emotions that accompany this experience.

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    I am so, so sorry that happened to your daughter.  I certainly hope that they do something about it.

    Is there any chance this kid is special needs?  That doesn’t excuse his behavior, but it would explain a lot.  He sounds like he might be autistic or something.  What he did was wrong–no question–but if he’s younger than your daughter, then he’s only 9 (my son’s age).  We probably shouldn’t be too quick to blame the parents without knowing them.  They might be just as horrified to find out what their kid did, and it might lead them to get him some help.

    I hope I’m not sounding like I’m excusing him.  He should ABSOLUTELY be disciplined and probably not allowed to ride the bus, at least for a while.  He should not be allowed near your daughter.  But he also sounds like he needs some serious help, and his issues are likely more complicated than “the church or his parents caused him to be a little jerk.”  Sounds to me like a kid who has issues and his religious upbringing made it worse.

    Profile photo of moxierocks

    Amy, I can appreciate what you’re saying…I don’t mean to be hateful towards this boy. My reaction (calling him a little shit and wondering about his parents) was purely “mama bear” and in defense of my daughter. And I’d do it again. :P

    Unfortunately, it seems like this kid is a chronic troublemaker. I have no clue about whether he is special needs or not. I have left a message with the principal since he didn’t get back to me…I want to know what steps are being taken to address this incident, and so far no one’s talking to me beyond an initial “We’re on it”. :(

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    Oh, goodness, I hope I didn’t sound critical.  I would totally have done the same.  And just because he may have special needs, that doesn’t mean he isn’t a little shit!  I would probably wonder about his parents too.  I just know that having a kid who isn’t…socially “typical” can be very frustrating for parents.  The school does have a responsibility to get back to you, though.  I hope they figure it out soon.  If they don’t, do you have any connections on the school board?  Sometimes that lights a fire under ‘em.

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    Can’t believe the bus driver didn’t get involved in that one.



    Any update Moxie?


    Profile photo of moxierocks

    Sorry  l lost track of this post…lol! Well, there’s not a whole lot to report as of now. Alyssa said that he keeps bugging her, and the principal says he has an assigned seat now, but I’m keeping him on his toes over this one..:0

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