I skipped church this morning.

Blog Forums Deconstruction The Church I skipped church this morning.

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    Woke up in plenty of time, but had an email to answer over breakfast, and felt a bit pressed for time. The only reason I was at all wanting to go to church this morning was because of being able to talk with one or two people afterwards. I know I’d only put my own cynical spin on the message on my sermon notes, and probably wouldn’t be able to believe the song words.

    Besides, I wanted to see what had been posted overnight on TLS. One of the disadvantages of my timezone is that most the traffic here occurs whilst I’m sleeping.

    So I decided to skip it this morning. I’ll go for a drive shortly, I think, browse some country town shops perhaps, eat out somewhere, maybe overlooking a beach, do some essential grocery shopping on the way back home. I prefer the evening church service, anyway. And catching up on posts on TLS was better than a church service. Wonderful sense of acceptance. :-) Felt much better.


    Profile photo of

    So happy about your great morning! Sounds like you had a good time!


    David Hayward

    wow staticsan. i’m jealous.



    @staticsan, I have a friend who will text me whenever she’s eating something gourmet, just to rub it in. Naturally I do the same back whenever I have the chance. I think you should do the same with us on Sundays sometimes. Something like “eggs benedict with polenta squares, roasted tomatoes and mushrooms sprinkled with a little gomasio”. I notice David often does it with coffee or tea descriptions, it gets my pavlov gourmet jealousy drool bell ringing. Browsing country shops, great food and coffee, a bookshop somewhere, a beach or non-urban landscape, it doesn’t get better than that. Church of the open air, ja !!!!!



    Well I’m currently out and about. Found some interesting country markets. Bought some crystals. Lunch was McDonald’s – sorry to disappoint! Going to look for some more curvey roads for my 924 to devour.

    I like the idea of finding a gourmet coffee shop this afternoon.

    Profile photo of cowboyjunkey

    The only reason I was at all wanting to go to church this morning was because of being able to talk with one or two people afterwards.

    I quit church for a year and half once except that I’d show up for the coffee time afterwards :)  It took some people many months to figure out I wasn’t there during the service.  I really enjoyed that time and to me the best part of church was going out for lunch after with a bunch of people.  Maybe you should try that next Sunday.

    So are you in Australia?  You’re nearly a day ahead of me!  I’m in western Canada.



    McDonalds? Beats head repeatedly on keyboard….. :-)



    @cowboyjunkey I think they’d notice if I tried that! Not only is the church quite small, but I play in the band almost every other week. (Obviously not this morning…)


    @helene I don’t have it much, so it was a treat. Normally I’d go looking for beachside fish-and-chips or a burgar bar or something but sometimes there isn’t a lot of choice on Sunday afternoon. :-/


    Profile photo of Shift

    Haha I will admit, I have missed my free Sundays! Its been solely “church day” for me that past three years. Staticsan, you complete rebel! :P

    Profile photo of SaraJ

    I will never forget the first time my husband and I didn’t go to church…way back when.  We got up, put on a  movie, sat under a cozy blanket and had coffee and lemon pie for breakfast.  It was an amazing concept. :)

    Profile photo of

    I’m hearing ya statistician with the notes an cyincism. Fortunately I have found somewhere now where I can be in church without too much of that but wasn’t so long ago I was there to. Unfortunatly for me, I am in the habit of speaking out at such times – some call that prophetic, seom call that being a trouble maker. I’m happy to be called either :).

    So yup fell int the same trap of being here – I have David’s cartoons to thank for that *wink*. The one about the pastor zombie is hillarious. No evening service for me, I’m going skiing – finding a sense of belonging and acceptance in sports and the arts that I didn’t get in church circles. I’m a newbie here and hoping to find similar accpecance here.

    Profile photo of

    OH 924 – I take that as being a Ducati 924? I used to hava Ducati monster but now have a Honda 800 VFR. Can’t wait for spirng :)


    David Hayward

    man i wish i still had my bike. i had a ’79 suzuki GS750. a pick up truck backed up over it in a parking lot. i wasn’t on it fortunately. never replaced it. :(

    Profile photo of Julia

    I remember the first few months of home on a Sunday morning after going to church for 40+ years. It was like being released from a cage into the wide blue sky. I’m still conscious of that freedom every Sunday. I can relate, as well, to not believing the words I was singing. I endured worship close-lipped for a few years until I finally left. Worship was always such an intimate experience and after a while I just couldn’t bear to fake it any longer!



    @Adam-Julians Not a bike, a car. It’s a Porsche 924. It likes corners more than any other car I’ve had. :-)

    One thing I realized when I decided to go elsewhere is that I was I didn’t need to own the guilt of “I should go” when I didn’t want to. First time I’ve done that!






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