Law of attraction

Blog Forums Reconstruction Personal Spirituality Law of attraction

This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  robink 1 year, 3 months ago.

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    Profile photo of SavageSoto

    I was wondering what you all thought of the “law of attraction”? It was particular made popular by “the Secret” film but the basic principle runs deep into a lot of different faith traditions I’m finding (ex. Nichiren buddhism). It’s something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately with certain aspects of my life that don’t seem to change but, as counseling has shown me, their not changing seems to have a lot of correlation to my thought patterns.

    Profile photo of starfielder

    Hmmm I think you’re on to something with this…”It’s something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately with certain aspects of my life that don’t seem to change but, as counseling has shown me, their not changing seems to have a lot of correlation to my thought patterns.”


    As I change, nothing can remain the same…

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    I have very mixed feelings about the “Law or Attraction.”  Mainly because it smacks of the same problem I see with people who pray to be healed of physical illness but they don’t get healed. All of a sudden it’s THEIR own fault that they didn’t get healed. And while we all know we will cope better with life’s curves by remaining positive and staying grateful  in spite of our circumstances, that does NOT guarantee that wonderful, positive things will flow into our lives. So once again, it’s our own fault and I don’t think that’s realistic or fair! Sometimes life just sucks and there really isn’t anything you can do to make things better. And as forrest Gump says, “That’s all I have to say about that!”  :)


    David Hayward

    I have learned some valuable lessons and I have experienced some pretty profound personal breakthroughs from some of this teaching. There’s a lot of “eat the meat spit out the bones” for me though. But I’m thankful for the meat I did get from it and still do.

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    funny, I was thinking about posting about this topic.  I work in the holistic field as a Holistic Health Coach and it was actually during my schooling and listening to different teachers that I first started coming across concepts such as these, including the Law Of Attraction.   While I can’t say that it always works for me, I know others who claim that it does.  I think with anything out there, you take what interests  you and ignore the rest.  What i really like is using a vision board and applying it in that way.   I also do believe that our thoughts can create our reality…. but, I don’t believe that our illnesses our always related to our thoughts.   We are not one dimensional beings and there are many factors that come into play.

    I’d be interested to hear from others to see if this concept works for you.  I think for me, the main thing is to stay positive.  I really don’t want to bitch all the time and complain.   I am not a victim.  Each day I move forward and choose to stay centered in gratitude and in my purpose.

    Profile photo of Richard

    The Law of Attraction is based on the idea that our thoughts are the energy that forms reality.  I don’t believe you can think your way to wealth, but I know you can change your thinking to feel happy.  My experience has told me that I live in a cause and effect world.  My success has come through knowledge and relationships.  Relationships provide the opportunities and knowledge and ability allow me to deliver something of value.  To me, the Law of Attraction alone is kind of a superstitious laziness.

    As an atheist I often get asked if I have faith and my response is, “Why would anyone pursue a project if they didn’t have faith it would work out?”  Not everything works out the way I preconceived it, but having faith that it will work out definitely increases the chance that it will.  The alternative is self sabotage.  The “Secret” made the producers a lot of money.  It was well presented and it gave me a positive feeling about approaching life in a positive way, but I’m under no illusions that my thoughts actually create things.

    My business is thriving.  I’m generally booked out at least 2 weeks in advance and at times I’m out 3 months.  What makes this happen is I provide a high quality service that gets really great results.  I do no advertising at all.  My total draw is word of mouth.  I get paid that day.  I have no employees and I don’t have to bill.  It is a very simple and rewarding business that I love to do.  I get to teach about 3 times a year and that too is because I provide high quality information and classes fill by word of mouth.

    If you master what ever you love to do, gain confidence and experience and work on getting fear out of your life, you will find success and draw people to you because you get results.  Mastering anything is a life long process.  Each day presents an opportunity to refine your skills and to make new relationships.  It’s about working smart, not hard.

    I looked for someone who was doing what I wanted to do successfully and learned how they did it.  I modified it to meet my needs and dreams taking one day at a time to build what I wanted.

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    Kellie – Can you please explain what a “vision board” is? Never heard that term before.

    Richard –  Love your “I’m under no illusions that my thoughts actually create things” and “the Law of Attraction alone is kind of a superstitious laziness.” statements!



    I don’t if having a positive attitude/vibe makes good things happen to you, but I think it makes you view things more optimistically.  In the end, it’s pretty much the same kind of emotional outcome.

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