personalising the concept of sophia

Blog Forums Reconstruction Living Creatively personalising the concept of sophia

This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Helene 3 months, 1 week ago.

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    sophia attempt 1

    sophia attempt 2

    I love the concept of Sophia and all that she represents, and have been thinking about taking the idea of her and translating it into something personal for me – sort of creating my own equivalent of Sophia. An illustration of my own soul.

    I’ve done two sketches+meditations in my journal. They’re crude and nothing much, but creating them was amazingly therapeutic. It’s like seeing your journey through a different pair of eyes, making it less up close and overwhelming. I can observe my emotions for a bit without having to be directly involved. It’s a weird sort of empathy, creating a figure who is experiencing the same journey and the same emotions as you.

    I’ve named my illustration/guide Anastasia, from which my own name (Nastya) is derived. It’s personal, but still removed enough from my actual self to feel safe. “Anastasia” means “the resurrection”, so it’s pretty darn relevant!

    Has anyone else attempted something like this or thought about it?



    Oh, this looks so therapeutic I think I’ll give it a go myself. Did you know David’s not drawing any more Sophia’s? (he can explain). So Sophia continues – I love it.


    David Hayward

    Oh this is so inspiring! Thanks for sharing your drawings and the reflections. Yes… I drew Sophia for 4 years, driven by inspiration. Then, suddenly, it stopped… just as suddenly as it began. Strange. So I published the book. :)



    Beautifully done! I love the integration of words and images. And I don’t consider them crude; I consider them naturally expressive, especially in the context of a journal.


    Thank you guys!! :)



    Very cool . . . I just bought a new sketchbook, too . . .hmmm.

    Profile photo of SaraJ

    I like this! :)



    @enjolrasinhispyja, not a patch on your Sophia interpretations, but I’m also loving this piece of artwork that I spotted spotted in RHE’s twitter feed:

    The original from Gemma Correll:

    And she does her daily diaries here:

    And her sketchbook here:

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