Trigger words

Blog Forums Deconstruction Trying to Move On Trigger words

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Danielle 4 months, 3 weeks ago.

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    Do ‘trigger words’ send you into a paroxysm of anxiety or doubt?
    Since I left the church, I can’t be in a charismatic/apostolic environment at all.
    Sometimes I feel tempted to wander one of those neigbhourhood churches where a friendly bunch of grey heads gather of a Sunday morning. The kind I used to avoid – the kind I used to call “the frozen chosen”. The kind where older women take turns to do the flower arrangements. Where they serve sweet tea after the service. Just to listen to a sermon again.
    But not the charismatic kind.
    I have a friend who phones me on Sunday evenings – do you want to come.
    I don’t.
    The triggers.
    The constant calls for action.
    Example: I’m at that age when everyone is getting married.
    Professional photographers are hired – these put a whole series of photos on a blog. Like a photo essay.
    The couple tells their story – oh, I waited on the Lord, says the blushing, gushing bride.
    I waited and waited.
    And God sent me just the right one.
    (He always does when you’re willing to wait on Him, a commentating friend approves).
    And how did you handle the budget?
    Oh, it was tight, but God provided.
    (He always does when you’re in his will, a commenting friend says).
    And how did you bond?
    Waiting on God. Being in God’s will. The non-Christian boyfriend is just a test – like God tested Abraham. And he didn’t listen and had a son out of wedlock and now we have the Muslim problem.
    These words have a way of turning me into a bundle of nerves.
    Maybe I’m wrong, maybe I’m outside God’s will, maybe I’m going to hell.
    Interestingly, the non-Christian boyfriend has turned out to be God’s greatest gift to me.
    Trigger words. Does anyone else have them?


    David Hayward

    Tons of trigger words. But mostly I love the way you express yourself. Welcome Danielle!



    Does it ever get better? I mean, there are all these built-in “don’t escape” clauses in Christianity, i.e. you feeling anxious about something (like trigger words) used to be the Holy Spirit convicting you. Or when you start doubting, you are sinning. Or when your intellect tells you something, you remind yourself that the gospel is foolishness to the wise/ you have to believe like a child.

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