
  • One question…
    If we are created in God’s image, why do so many believers keep making excuses for God’s unconscionably immoral and abusive behavior? (Which they insist He has done) For instance, if mass genocide is immoral for our governments and leaders, then it is ALSO immoral for God. If manipulative and threatening behaviors is wrong for us…[Read more]

  • The thought occurred to me after a recent hostile debate with a young earth fundamental biblical literalist (why they hang around David’s blog is beyond me) that there are certain issues that still very much push my buttons and make me come up swinging.  I am curious as to whether some of you still have “hot buttons” that get you worked up.

    For …[Read more]

  • I had an interesting exchange today with a family member.  My brother in law posted the following on his Facebook wall this morning…

    “I have spent much time not talking about this subject due to people getting really mad at me but I have to do it due to so many speaking about it. If my memory serves me right marriage is a union in front of GOD…[Read more]

  • I made the following post today over in naked pastor and it has really got me thinking.  Whatever your beliefs are, do you believe you have a message to share.  And if you do…what would it be?   This is not about proselytizing or changing someone’s mind.  It is more about what you have to offer another.  Read my post below and then I would love s…[Read more]