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WHY TLS IS DIFFERENT I’m not saying there aren’t other groups out there like TLS. I’m just saying I don’t know of any. I think it’s because our core value is that we entrust each person to their own journeys… whether we call them spiritual or otherwise (when I use the...


STRAY OR STAY? This last weekend Lisa and I went on a mini-vacation. We visited some good old friends… friends I got ordained with many years ago. They are now all retired or retiring and living off their pensions. At one point I asked one of them, “So what did I walk...

A Book You Gotta Read

A BOOK YOU GOTTA READ Today’s letter is very simple. I want to recommend a lovely book to you. It’s “Search Inside Yourself” by Chade-Meng Tan. The reason I like it is because it is written so simply, clearly, and with a good dose of humor. The humor is already...