A very weird and revealing thing happened to me yesterday. Lisa and I attended a wedding of friends. They go to a very evangelical church now, so some from that church were there. I met them. They all are on staff at their church. I’m very interested in pastors and...
What Do You Do When You’re Condescended To?
Don’t you just love it when you’re condescended to? Don’t you just love it when someone thinks they’re better than you? No? Me neither. I was going through some old emails yesterday and came across an some correspondence between me and another guy from years ago. I...
How I’m Ending a Toxic Relationship
It was like a light came on. I suddenly realized I was in a toxic relationship. For years! Here’s how the light came on: I noticed my feelings. I was angry. I had just been disrespected and condescended to. I HAD JUST BEEN VIOLATED! The choice was immediate: continue...
When to Push Back
WHEN TO PUSH BACK One of our members asked in our Facebook group something to the effect, “When do you finally speak up or push back?” I thought I would share with you what I do. I finally speak up: 1. When I feel I’m being seriously violated in some way… when my...
Some Advice for Being with Family Over Christmas
Some Advice for Being with Family Over Christmas 1. Be confident in your position, even if you’re confused about it. It’s okay. 2. Don’t go where you don’t want to go. Figure out ways of saying, “I don’t want to talk about that.” 3. You don’t have to reveal everything...
I Met a Sufi
It’s been a strange week. On the one hand, I have continued to say that Christianity is my home but I have cottages everywhere. I’ve also continued to say that Christian is my family of origin. I have also said that even though I’m out of the church I’m still in the...
Who Cares What You Believe?
I am just going to ramble here, reveal an ugly part of myself, and I’m going to swear because this is what happened. I’m kind of sharing my rant with Lisa during our walk yesterday. A rant against myself. I’m going to give you a peek into it. The other day a friend...
Protect Your Inner Child
I do not like it when people mock other religions. I also do not like it when people mock the stages of faith that I have journeyed through. I’m not sure how this happened, but somewhere along the way I learned that it was not only negligent and shortsighted to...
I’m Not Crazy and You Can’t Make Me!
I have a rambling confession. Please bear with me. This last week has been one of the most personally traumatic weeks of my life. What made it so traumatic for me was that I felt betrayed by the media. When I say “media” I mean mainstream media, and I mean generally....
Letter: Zero Tolerance for Bullying
One of the most important aspects of community is strong moderation. If you are not involved with the community, make sure someone is. With my online community, I am not only involved, keeping an eye on things, but I have what I call "scouts" who love the community...