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Free to be Creative!

Good day my friends. I want to tell you about a new creative venture I’m initiating. For years now some people have been encouraging me to teach other creative types how to do what I do… how I seem to just constantly come up with new ideas, create prolifically, and...

Growth is Growth

When I was visiting my family earlier this month it dawned on me that my personal growth and spiritual growth are not two separate things, but exactly the same thing. I grew up with my understanding of “God” being pretty much identical with my understanding of...

A Few Good Friends

Last night Lisa and I went to a party. There were tons of people there. Many of them were from the last church I pastored. Lisa and I agreed that it was awkward at moments, uncomfortable almost always, and strange to say the least. But the one thing we did agree on is...

It’s Okay to be Moved by Beauty

Beautiful is good. It’s good to be moved by the beautiful. In fact, I’ve come to believe that when I’m deeply moved by something I think is beautiful, it is indicating to me something that is deeply true. I’ve had many such moments in my life. I remember when I first...

Vacation and Resources

Hi guys! This letter has 2 purposes: First: Lisa and I are going on a much needed vacation tomorrow. We’ll be gone for a week. Apparently there’s no internet where we’re going, so I’ll be off the radar. Amazing! I think I’ll like it. I love how the community is...

The Enormous Pressure to Belong

I have been publicly sharing my work online for over a decade. The name “nakedpastor” originated from my desire to bare my soul as a pastor, to be honest about my journey, my thoughts, my vocation, my life, and to be vulnerable about my weaknesses and struggles as...

When I and the Universe Feel Most One

Early this morning I arose. The air was so cold outside that everything was silent. Including the radiant moon and its attendant stars. The only sound was the snow crunching under my boots. We took our second son to the airport at 3:30 am. We took our first yesterday...

Making New Friends

This is a kind of continuation of last week’s letter on community. Probably the most difficult issue for Lisa and I once we left the church was community, or friendship. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about it because loneliness sucks. Lisa and I were anything but...

Deeper into the Darkness

We go through several spiritual stages. I know I have. Here’s the trick though: As you proceed through these various stages, the voice of That Which We Call God grows quieter and quieter and, in my experience, completely silent. You see, in the past as I grew closer...