What is Compassionate Speech?
*** This is a letter from many years ago that I thought would be helpful to repost today. WHAT IS COMPASSIONATE SPEECH? Good day my friends. Today I want to talk about compassionate speech. It was inspired by one of our members posting this quote of Domo Geshe...
Ugh! Complicated Friendships
Ugh! Complicated Friendships I was recently invited by a couple of old friends to join them for a cigar and single-malt on one of their decks for an evening. Three guys… old friends from back in the evangelical, charismatic church days. They still go to such a church....
Spiritual Supplement: do you suffer in silence?
Here is a good exercise to use to help you progress out of the pain of suffering. Is this your experience? Try these steps while you meditate on this drawing: What suffering have you experienced that you remember clearly? List them all. Which of these sufferings have...
The Guilt of Just Being
THE GUILT OF JUST BEING Do you ever suddenly catch yourself feeling guilty for not doing anything? We hear about the importance of being before doing. But so many of us grew up in religious cultures that demanded constant holy activity, including attending church...
TLS Letter- Please Give Me Your Opinion
I NEED YOUR OPINION: Hi TLSers! So, every once in a while I ask for your opinion on something. This time it’s about a frequent request I keep getting: Should I start a podcast? Funny thing: I get interviewed for podcasts 2 or 3 times a week. BUT I don’t listen to...
Are You Unfolding?
Are You Unfolding? One of the most difficult things for me to realize during my deconstruction was that I didn’t have to be or do anything. In the religious cultures I grew up in, there was the constant challenge to do those 2 things: 1. Be something. 2. Do something....
The Pressure to Explain Yourself
The Pressure to Explain Yourself Hi TLSers! I get a lot of private messages from people across all social media platforms. Consistently, they are struggling with deconstruction. But not just deconstruction in general. I’m finding the main struggle is how to...
I Guess I’ll Stay
What a week! NakedPastor continues to become more and more famous… or infamous. My Instagram account is close to 45,000 followers. On the one hand this is wonderful because I’m helping more and more people get in touch with their courage to conform no longer to the...
MicroAggressions Deserve MacroCorrections
MicroAggressions Deserve MacroCorrections Today I thought I’d write a short letter to you all. It’s about microagressions. Microaggressions are insults against a certain group of people that come off as a joke or even a compliment. Often they’re not even thought...