No Longer a Victim
This is short and to the point. I notice a tendency in me to resort to a victim mentality. It’s easy for me to feel victimized. Sometimes I feel the world is hostile against me personally and that the forces out there prevail against me and are determined to make me...
Why there is Swearing in TLS
Last week I asked TLSers in our Facebook group for an explanation I can give to people who ask, “Why is swearing allowed on TLS?” Some people who are no longer with us found it either unnecessary, or rude, or indicative or immaturity or even sinfulness. Some others...
Google, and why TLS is a great team!
Google does a lot of research. One of the most ongoing and intensive studies has been about teams. What makes a good team? This is important to Google because they work in teams. I was very pleased to read their conclusions that were released recently. Before I tell...
Truth Pushes and Pulls
My spiritual journey is very much an inward one with outward consequences. I have been a hard seeker after truth, and this has forced me to constantly physically move myself to more suitable and sustainable living conditions for this spiritual journey. I believe truth...
The Resources Available to You
Hi everyone! My passion, my mission, and I choose to accept it, is to help people on their journeys of spiritual independence, and to provide safe places for spiritually independent people to gather. The other night Lisa and I went to a wedding. There were a lot of...
Meet a Member Podcast: Julie-Anne Morris
Today's podcast is with one of our TLS members, Julie-Anne Morris. I met Julie-Anne a few years ago while she was still living in Canada. We've been great friends. She has a great sense of humor. And this in spite of years of bewildering religious and...
Meet-a-Member Video Interview with TLS Member Arda Gale
Hi TLSers! Well, this is a first. Arda Gale, a TLS member, works in an observatory and we thought it would be cool to interview her by video so we could see her in her work environment and that maybe she could give us a tour. We were starting it as a test run and then...
Not Down. Not Up. But Across!
I can tell when I’m being talked down to. I can tell when I’m being spoken up to. I can tell when someone is talking to me as an equal. When I was in Toronto attending to the details of my brother’s passing just over a week ago, a pastor and his wife came to visit my...
“A Space for Love” by TLSer Pat LafordGreen
Thanks Pat for providing this week's letter for our members. You really have expressed how wonderful the community is. Pat wanted me to attach this fun-loving photo of him. If you're not a part of our private Facebook group, please reply to this letter and let me know...