The Lasting Supper is where you Help Yourself!
When I started The Lasting Supper about a year and a half ago, the branding guy that came up with the name also came up with our motto or slogan: "Help Yourself!" It was perfect. And it still is. Why? For a few reasons: Regardless of what you've been taught, the truth...
Trying to hang on
I said I was going to do this yesterday, but I actually didn't have time. I wasn't feeling great and there was just too much else happening. So I'm posting it today. I mentioned on the Facebook group that I was taking a week to try to figure out what was going on...
you all are pioneers
This is something I notice about nearly everyone at The Lasting Supper. Let me compare you to pioneers. So I basically see three stages to what has happened or what is happening or what will happen to you: You realize you're not happy where you are. You're not...
Exercise: Who was your biggest influencer?
I find it is helpful and heart-enlarging to think about the people who have had important and positive influences on my life. I'm not talking about family or friends, but people who invested in me, mentored me, taught me... influenced me in such a way that it changed...
rebelled or expelled
You're new wine. Many of the biblical characters stayed within an institution as long as they could until it could no longer contain them so that they either rebelled or were expelled. Abraham and his father's house. Moses and Egypt. Jeremiah and Israel. Jesus and the...
the delights of acting childish
I wrote a post and drew a cartoon today for nakedpastor that has to do with denial called "Life's Tsunamis and the Four Stages of Denial". You might find it helpful. But I thought I would write the opposite for you as a balance. Sometimes it's fun to act like a child....
Sink or Skim
(*** This picture is my wood-cut/block print of my favorite theologian Karl Barth, based on the last photograph of him alive.) In the old days when there weren't so many books, people would stay with a book for a long time. Then, people would sink into a book and live...
Sacraments Revisited Part II
A few years later at the ripe old age of 13 I was confirmed in a ceremony, where my dad warned me beforehand that the Bishop would slap me in the face. Dad thought it was funny. I didn’t, I was properly terrified. Of course no such thing happened. The Bishop...
Pete Seeger’s Spirituality
Pete Seeger is dead at 94. He was chopping wood 10 days ago. He co-wrote "Where Have All the Flowers Gone?", one of America's most iconic songs. Hence the cartoon. What was Seeger's spirituality? There's this: When asked about his religious or spiritual views, Seeger...