Letter: “you are your brand”
I watched an interview on PBS of the fashion designer and humanitarian Kenneth Cole. It was quite fascinating. But he said one thing that really stuck with me. He was asked about branding and how he feels about promoting the Kenneth Cole brand since things are...
Christmas Still A Good Day at Our House
I wanted to provide a little update to the post asking for help in creating a good holiday experience for my two kids at home and me after Christmas the year before had pretty much been chewed up and spit out. It was lovely! Instead of thinking up new traditions, we...
Exercise: pictorial personality test
PICTORIAL PERSONALITY TEST (I found this online but without any accreditation. If anyone finds it let me know and I'll add it to this post. Thanks.) Choose an icon that speaks to you the most. Don't think about it too hard. Read the answer below... Let us know what...
A looking back.
My progressive-leaning friend from church reminded me a few weeks ago that I should not be afraid to drop him a line at any time to organise a catchup. So I did. And he jumped at it. It was really good to chat about whatever random things we did. We have a couple of...
spirituality that does violence to the soul
I have this book that I mention once in a while because it is very good: James Hollis, PhD, "Finding Meaning in the Second Half of Life: How to Finally, Really Grow Up". Actually, it was this book that sparked my thoughts about launching The Lasting Supper. Here's one...
getting outside your box
Lisa and I got a room uptown New Year's Eve. It's the first time in a long time we had a chance to get away, even for 24 hours. It was nice. While I was waiting on Lisa to get ready, I watched PBS news, The Journal. It was a treat to watch. It is an English speaking...
prepare for the big freeze
This is the view from my back deck today. We got hit with a major snow and ice storm the weekend before last. Over 50,000 people in my area lost power, including us. There are still people without power, and the weather report is we're going to experience sub-zero...
find the money
So I've been writing a bit about finding help, either through counseling, mentoring, spiritual direction or coaching. I've done all of them. Problem: money. I'm not a rich man. I have three kids who've been going to university, etcetera, and requiring our help. I am...
Letter: Finding, Using and Keeping the Help
Some time ago I wrote a post about the importance of using help when we need it. I received several requests for me to write something about actually finding good help. So this lap-letter is about finding, using and keeping the help. FINDING: A few years ago when I...