Exercise: introvert, extrovert or ambivert?
I came across this really cool short online quiz that will quickly tell you whether you are: 1. introvert 2. extrovert 3. ambivert I'd never heard of "ambivert" before. But, alas, I'm an ambivert! What about you?
free download for members and new members
Hi TLSers! As of today all new members, upon joining, get a welcoming email. In this email is a free gift of a high-quality, printable download of my Sophia drawing, "Shelter"... a $40 value. It symbolizes for me the safe space TLS provides for us. So I wanted to make...
would you just love your friend
Your best friend calls. She needs to talk to you. You're worried it's about you. But when she arrives, you realize it's about her. She says, "I just need someone to talk to. I feel terrible. My beliefs are changing. I'm angry all the time. I hate my father. My kids...
the movie “Affliction” and being a father and son
Some years ago I watched a very powerful movie, "Affliction", with Nick Nolte, Wilhem Dafoe, Sissy Spacek and James Coburn. Trigger warning: it's one of the most brutally honest movies about fatherhood and abuse that I've ever seen. So please please please be warned....
I Have to Save Christmas!!
Last year, Christmas was basically ruined for my two youngest kids and myself by an awful family situation on Christmas night (and the two days leading up to it). My changing beliefs which tell me to pull back, although I wasn't over-the-top about it to begin with...
It’s strange, but I kinda miss church.
Several of us have told of how much community is lost when they leave a church, especially when the exit was, well, forced. There is community here, sure, though it's not the same as a physical church group. I've joined a pagan full moon circle (as part of seeking...
Exercise: see a therapist
This is a famous photograph of Einstein talking with his therapist. He struggled with depression. Yes while saving the world! So, today's Saturday spiritual supplement is probably one of the most difficult things we can do. It was something that was so hard for me to...
Spiritualism, Psychic Communication, James E. Padgett
Has anyone else read the transmissions from the spirit world, attorney James Padgett received back in the early 1900s? I find them absolutely fascinating and I would love to get someone else's take on them.
my cartoon on the 5 stages of deconstruction