My video “The Stages of Deconstruction”
I made a 20 minute video today that I hope will help us TLSers understand one another better and that it will facilitate compassionate communication between ourselves: "The Stages of Deconstruction":
church as self-harm i wrote this tonight about church last night (sunday). i thought belonging would make things easier. somehow i thought i could do this. all i have found is that while i belong, i also do not believe as...
I’m certain that I’m uncertain.
I have lots of uncertainty as to what I believe these days. I don't buy all the Christian doctrine I've been taught over the years, and I see and teach the Bible as a piece of literature rather than an inerrant authoritative Word. But i don't want to throw the baby...
I’m not the boss of you
ALERT: The only things that upset me and call me to action are bullying, abusive language and misogynist/ractist/homophobic speech. I'm sorry I upset so many of you with a call to post to the new TLS site. That wasn't my intention. I don't care where you post. My hope...
Feeling heard and understood
This morning, a friend and I were talking and I mentioned that I wasn't feeling well and had needed to drive my husband's car instead of mine. He hurt his back and couldn't get in and out (it rides pretty low). Well, with my chronic pain, I also find his car...
Sick of self-destruction
For far, far too long, I have found myself with bursts of anger and self-sabotage, comparing myself to others and depending too heavily on the aid of others. It had gotten to the point, before my breakup with Tristan, my ex, that I almost wrecked on I-10 on my way to...
What if we are going about all this the wrong way?
Here is my problem with any religion claiming exclusive rights on objective truth. "Each of the great world religions--Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam--is a braid woven from four strands: an originating experience, a mythic narrative, a theology,...
I got told this morning that I am "finding my identity in being a contrarian". Since I wasn't allowed to do that, I'm essentially reveling in it now. That bugs me, because it seems to minimize any thinking and changing I do. And it is unfair, because in reality I'm...
facing the holiday blues
I debated whether or not to add this link to Pam's thread, but since it deals more with feelings than traditions, I decided to post it on its own. A friend of mine who writes a blog called Ruby Slippers, made this video on coping with holiday grief. It was helpful...