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The Stockdale Paradox

I'm reading Jim Collins' book, Good to Great. He talks about the Stockdale Paradox. It's based on Admiral Stockdale who survived 8 brutal years as a prisoner of war. It is this: "Retain faith that you will prevail in the end, regardless of the difficulties, and, at...

important please read

Hi guys. Today's Daily Toast is an announcement. We are busy working on the main TLS site. Major improvements are on the way! However, if you aren't a part of our secret Facebook group yet, please email me or message me on facebook. It's a fantastic way to meet other...

it is a reality not a dream

I claim that our unity is a reality. It is not a possibility. We are already connected, unified at a deeply fundamental level. What needs our participation and cooperation is the manifestation of this unity. The Lasting Supper, in my opinion, is becoming a place where...

speaking your mind

As we become more spiritually independent it is also sometimes necessary to become more outspoken. I remember times in my life where I intentionally kept my mouth shut so as not to cause a stir. No harm done. Then there were times when I intentionally opened my mouth...

it’s okay to drop the mythologies

There was a children's book we read to our kids when they were young about monsters that lived under the ice in the north. The aboriginal peoples told these stories to keep their children off of the thin ice in warmer seasons. As the children grew older, of course,...

Saturday Spiritual Exercise: a story about our beginnings

I want to tell you a little story about TLS. When I first started this site last year it was called I Imagined myself providing resources for people transitioning spiritually. Our own Ashley Clift Jennings helped me design the site and helped me start...

Guest Toast by Kathy Dueck: “internet down”

What's that you say? The Internet's down? Bawk... (A personal journey into living without the Internet for 24 hours) Let us be silent so we can hear the whisper of GOD – Ralph Waldo Emerson I think I know what withdrawal feels like. I lost my home Internet connection...

learning how to live together

I love true community because it is made up of real people engaging in real relationship. What I admire most about community is when it survives a challenging time. Lisa and I fight. We have disagreements. Arguments. Our relationship goes through strain sometimes....

your arms extend to me

Hi guys! You know, I never ever expected that TLS would become the community it has. It just goes to show that I think what we want most out of life is love. We want to be connected. Actually, the desire for connection is a desire for the manifestation of what already...