What’s the Meaning of Christmas Anymore?
"What's the Meaning of Christmas Anymore?" Lisa and I were relaxing over the Christmas holidays. I think we were having a glass of wine, listening to music, and reading in front of the wood stove. Ya. Nice. She abruptly asked me a question. She does this once in a...
YOU DON’T ALWAYS HAVE TO BE EXCEPTIONALLY NICE Maybe like me you grew up in a religious culture that valued superficial syrupy relationships rather than real authentic ones. It was our responsibility to be exceptionally nice, always forgiving, forever reconciling,...
Be Gracious With Yourself
Many people in TLS have gone through unbelievable ordeals. Some of you are still going through them. The chaotic confusion we experience when going through traumatic change is completely normal. Expect it! BUT... Is it possible to live so freely that you are not...
You are Perfect
This is something I’ve always believed to be true. It’s something I have taught many times before. But I always need reminding, and I love reminding others. So I’m reminding you right now. You plant a kernel of corn in the ground. You let it germinate. You let it...
Be With Me, Be With You
One of the things I came to learn over time as a pastor is that when you give people space, they will heal themselves. Some may do it quickly, while others may take a while. But it never fails: if people are provided a safe space and they desire wholeness, they will...
You’re Not a Failure!
You're Not a Failure! Recently, Lisa and I met a good old friend who used to go to my last church that I was the pastor of, and we had a little chat. I was telling her about that dream I had about my snowblower that I wrote to you guys last week. In a nutshell, one...
A Weird Story about a Dream I Had!
I just have to share with you a bizarre story. Winter’s coming. About this time of year I take my snowblower in for service just to make sure it’s operating properly, the belts are okay, and that it’s ready for a hard winter. I took it in yesterday morning. The NIGHT...
Pressure Change!
Each new season of growth is initiated by a birth, and often it is just like a birth… where we have to learn how to breathe all over again in a brand new environment. It's an adjustment. For some of us, it takes a little bit of time, while for others, it could take...
Here’s Our Manifesto!
OUR MANIFESTO: I first published this Manifesto for Spiritual Independence in 2012 when I started The Lasting Supper. Many of you might not have seen it. So I'm posting it again. I post it every once in a while to remind us of what some of our values are. Please...