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how do you roll?

Something I hear a lot from people every day is the expression, "This is how I roll". It actually makes sense. I think it is a good thing to recognize how you roll. How you do things. How you think. How you typically respond. How you feel. How you are. It shows a...

can you remember an early childhood story?

Many years ago when I had my first spiritual director, she gave me an assignment. She asked me to write what she called my "spiritual history" from as far back as I could remember. That was a very meaningful exercise with surprising results. One of the stories I told...

now is the new normal

When we change our minds, something else has to change too. Let me try to explain: when you change your mind, who is it that says, "I've changed my mind"? Freud taught us that we have our Ego, but then we have our Super Ego… that which judges the Ego. I've noticed...

Potluck: “Can I Be Feminist and Spiritual?”

Yesterday's Potluck was fantastic. If you weren't there, you can now watch "Can I Be Feminist and Spiritual?". Even though Amy had center seat, the discussion involved many members of TLS. But I think we're getting better at this Potluck thing. Thanks Amy! You were...

you don’t always have to think, you can just enjoy

One of the things I like about the story of the Garden of Eden is when Adam and Eve hear God walking about the garden in the cool of the day. It reminds me of an old old hymn my mom loves, and which I've lead congregations in singing at hundreds of funerals, and which...

what courage looks like

This is probably the best description of courage I've read in a long time. It is written by G. K. Chesterton in his book Orthodoxy: "Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of a readiness to die. 'He that will lose...

get out of your mind and into your body

Get out of your head and into your body. I'm preaching to myself here. But maybe you can overhear. Although I encourage people to think, I also encourage people to get into their bodies. When I go through really intense intellectual or spiritual transformations, I...

a bouquet of tulips

Yesterday I brought home a fresh bouquet of tulips for Lisa. They are bright yellow with a tint of orange. Green leaves and stems. She did her last shift of her preceptorship in Palliative Care. Now all that's left is her graduation ceremony and writing her Provincial...