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our manifesto revisited

Every once in a while I want to remind us of our Manifesto. What is it we're about? Who are we? What are we doing here? Our Manifesto: 1. I am free. I always have been. I always will be. 2. I have the right to ask questions as a way to become wise. 3. It is my right...

this is my people

I received a lot of emails from people informing me of the news that Megan Phelps-Roper, the granddaughter of Reverend Phelps of Westboro Baptist Church, has left the fold. You can read the story HERE. When I read it, I said to myself, "This is my people!" Read the...

close your ears

(I'm sending these short Daily Breads to your inbox. I hope you enjoy these tiny little bites!) Do you remember the moment you decided you were going to be self-determining in your own spirituality? The day you were going to allow yourself to doubt, question, explore...

do not be afraid

I frequently tell people who are freaking out that they have nothing to fear. You don't have to reject anything. As you move deeper into love the things that are not will pass away. They will fade like the morning mists under the heat of the rising sun. Do not be...

religion is like bandaids

Please note that this is a parable for religion, not for the religious person, or any person. Religious people can do amazing things. More than bandaid solutions. And once in a while so can religion... when it serves humanity. Generally speaking though, religion can...

everything already

Rather than setting people free permanently, much of religion’s purpose is to keep people enslaved, repeat customers, with a lifetime commitment. Even when our innate freedom is staring us in the face and beating within our chest and screaming from our minds, we look...

Sophia: Freedom Makes Free

When you've been set free, as Sophia has, and once it has sunk in, and once you have learned how to live in it, and once you realize how near everyone is to realizing their own freedom, then you will do your part to release others. In fact, it will be automatic. I...

free art download: “now’s the time to face it”

Would you like a free high quality download of this image? You can save it on your computer screen or print it off and hang it. I recommend using Staples double-side matte finish professional photo paper. To download it, simply CLICK ON THIS LINK!