by David Hayward | Jul 30, 2018 | David's Letters, I'm confused
Many of us here have experienced the same thing: the loss of really close friends because our faith vanished or our beliefs changed or our relationship with the church disintegrated or all the above. Lisa and I have chosen to try to restore a few of those friendships....
by David Hayward | Sep 10, 2017 | David's Letters, I'm confused
In the year 2000 Lisa bought me a Taylor acoustic guitar… a 210 CE cutaway with pickups, to be exact. The most beautiful sounding guitar I’ve ever played. I had been playing for years… songwriting and singing in the church for most of my life… performing as well as...
by David Hayward | Aug 5, 2016 | Podcasts
Welcome to TLS Takeout #3. Julie-Anne Morris and I had a great time talking today about the TLS community and what’s going on with us. TLS is an intense community. There’s intense pain and intense joys. There are always intense struggles and questions. So...
by David Hayward | Jun 2, 2015 | David's Letters, I'm sad
How do I deal with loss? Not very well. I’m human. When I experience loss, I don’t pull out my trusty roadmap for suffering and loss and follow the guidelines. No one has written such a book because each and every response to loss is unique to that individual. There’s...
by David Hayward | Jan 7, 2015 | Blog
I am beautiful. I am free. I am wise. I am Sophia. How did I get here? How did I come to this? Why am I in these chains? Why am I locked in a dark cellar surrounded by things that degrade and dehumanise me? Especially words. Words that are meant to shame, subdue and...