by David Hayward | Jun 14, 2015 | David's Letters, I'm confused
Last week, someone in our Facebook group brought up a question about how to deal with family and coming out to them theologically. (*** If you’re not in our Facebook group, please just reply to this letter and ask me to get you in. That’s where a lot of the...
by David Hayward | Jan 28, 2015 | Blog
I strut through the field under the moon as if I own the place. Because I do! The world is mine. All things are mine. Black sheep. That’s me. I was always different. And I always knew it. But I had a remarkable skill of being able to blend in. I knew how to conform. I...
by David Hayward | Sep 7, 2014 | David's Letters, I'm confused
I have difficulty with these two extremes: 1. wallowing in misery 2. floating in fantasy That is… we can get stuck in our own suffering and even become attached to it. The world becomes a very dark and nasty place, and we become its helpless victims from which there...
by David Hayward | Aug 24, 2014 | David's Letters, I'm confused
Today I want to talk about belief. Specifically, I want to talk about how belief is the biggest barrier to change. I realize that many of us are still believers or agnostic or atheists. So I want to be sensitive to that. Therefore, I’m going to share my own...