my kids…

Blog Forums Reconstruction Leftovers my kids…

This topic contains 38 replies, has 23 voices, and was last updated by  David Hayward 1 year, 9 months ago.

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    Profile photo of Ruth Anne
    Ruth Anne

    Wow Moxierocks – WOW. What a strong and courageous mom you are…. and little Bella too! Your girls sound wonderful.


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    I need prayer and tons of good vibes sent to me and my kids. We are a divided family. Myself and my youngest son are estranged from my oldest son. My oldest son and I failed in our relationship. It was so much my fault for trying to influence him with my standards and my disapproval. I was a crappy mother to him. I wish I hadn’t been so threatened by him. He has moved on and is living the life of a multi-talented person though. He drums and sings in a very cool band with real records and gigs and stuff. He is just recently married for the first time, lol. In this world today if a kid makes it into their thrities before marriage I am much happier about that development. lol. He is a graphics artist and writer. I am hoping his ire for me will mellow and we may effect some kind of reconcilation before either of us shuffle off this mortal coil, but if not, I am sure we will be reconciled in Paradise.
    My youngest son who is 28, married a few years ago and has a three year who we all adore and find immense soul affirming joy in. My youngest son is a natural muscian too. He plays any sort of instrument he desires and he has embraced an education in philosophy and mathmatics that we are hoping to see really pan out for him. He is a man of peace, his name is Paxton. He and I have a very delicate relationship for many very good reasons. He loves me so much he can barely stand to look at the path I walk. I know I walk a painful and dangerous path, so do lots of people. The Indians who imagine Karma tell me I must have a lot of bad karma to dispell or work out, I am glad I have Jesus on this incarnation. Jesus kicks Karma’s negative butt, consistently. I can claim the power of the blood on any sin, past or way, way past. lol. I like the idea of Karma, I think it is immensely helpful for many people trying to walk out difficult paths. I wish they’d teach Jesus with Karma. There is a lot of freedom there, a lot of deliverance from negative reactions. Love is the answer, I know that. I am always shocked at the lack of love in my nuclear family, I realize this is their path not just mine. They must find the ways of love, I can’t force it on them. I can’t lecture them into it. I have to show them it works, somehow. My youngest son is coming around much more since he’s had a child of his own. I am hoping with the reflective powers of time, in time, this family will come back together in the love and fellowship we shared when they were six and seven years old. When they really seemed to like who I was and what I had to offer them in a relationship.


    David Hayward

    Thanks for sharing your story Kathy. I hope the same things for you.

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    I have five kids that were named in alphabetic order, which was not planned (Gabe, Prisca, Sam, Tamara & Victoria).

    Each of them turns a year older throughout the year starting from the youngest (who just had her birthday in January) to the oldest (whose birthday is in November).

    All of them were born on an even year so by the time November rolls around they will all be odd (23, 25, 27, 29 & 31).

    Their mother will also turn odd this year (53) but if you were to ask my kids, they would say I’m odd on the even years, too.


    Profile photo of moxierocks

    Paula-Wildrice, I really giggled at the end there. :D

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    I like your name moxierocks, it’s cute! But after reading your story about your daughter Bella Rose I started thinking of you as  ‘braveheart.’

    When I look at you I see COURAGE, sprinkled with plenty of generosity! Your family is fortunate you have you!

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    I have two wonderful girls.  My oldest girl has red hair and a hyper personality to go with it.  She is 10.  She loves math and computers and video games.  That’s right, a geek like her mom.  (Except I hate math.)  She has been diagnosed with high functioning autism and that makes some things a little tough for her.  But I have no doubt that she will conquer wherever she needs to.  Her happy place is her computer after school.  And we spend a lot of time with each other in companionable silence.  I don’t need her to talk to me all the time, but it pleases me that she will still come to me when she needs to.

    My younger girl is 9.  She is intelligent and bold.  She had no problem speaking her mind and makes friends easily wherever she goes.  This is much to the wonder of her shyer mom and sis.  She is artistic and creative, but also loves math and computers.  I see her as the girl who will be into everything.  Right now she is a Girl Scout, a Kiwanas Junior member, running for a student body office next year and taking extra credit science classes.  She also plays soccer in the fall and softball in the spring.  I have to run to keep up with her.

    Profile photo of Sandy G.
    Sandy G.

    Well, I’m definitely a latecomer on this thread, but I have so much to say.  :)  I have 12 kids, but won’t give details on all of them.

    Our oldest is 24 now, and his early teen years were the nail in the coffin of the “Institutional church” for us.  When a youth pastor tried to tell my husband that while we were at church the pastoral authority was above parental authority, and we could not choose to keep him out of the Sunday school class, it was the final straw.  I’m grateful now that our kids have had a chance to grow and learn outside of that.  He was homeschooled all the way through, and has lacked a little in knowing what direction to go in life.  But he is a great waiter, making a living and in his first serious relationship.

    Our second is a daughter who just turned 22.  She decided last year (due to the influence of some dear friends of hers) that she wanted to go to The Master’s College.  Yep, John McArthur.  Ack!  But, we told her we’d support her in what she chose to do, and off she went.  She spent a semester there, and decided during Christmas break that she had had enough, and was coming home.  She said she felt further from God after the months she spent there.

    We have a 20 year old daughter who is an amazing artist; 18 year old son just got his drivers license; 16, 14 and 12 year old girls, all very creative; 10 yo twin boys, all boy; 8 yo twin girls, and our youngest just turned 6 last week.  11 of the 12 are at home for now, and it gets pretty crazy around here sometimes.  And I don’t handle it as well as I did when younger.  But they are all amazing individuals.


    David Hayward

    OMG SanG. I guess you 2 figured you need 12 disciples? Good on ya!

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