Sandy G.

  • I struggle with my Sunday mornings.  As I’ve mentioned, my husband has a family church time, and I sit in on it.  He knows it’s kind of grudging on my part, but I’m not sure he knows how frustrated I get.  He always sings praise & worship songs with the kids, which I don’t join in on, then tries to get a discussion going.  Often in recent months th…[Read more]

  • I found out this morning that my dad is in the hospital and scheduled for bypass surgery on Monday.  He’s in a lot of pain.

    Of course the expected response is to pray for him, for my mom, for the doctors.  But I don’t pray a whole lot these days, having come to question whether God ever actually intervenes.  I guess I still kind of stated my ho…[Read more]

  • Sandy G. started the topic PTSD? in the forum Spiritual Abuse 1 year, 7 months ago

    I have come to realize over the last couple of years that I am exhibiting symptoms of PTSD, and I have known for 20+ years that certain things about my personality and the way I relate to people are often associated with sexual or emotional abuse in childhood.  However, I have no memory of overt abuse of any kind.  (I now know that my day’s anger i…[Read more]

  • Sandy G. started the topic My story in the forum Meet & Greet 1 year, 9 months ago

    My name is Sandy, I’m 45 and I live in Utah.

    I grew up the child of a pastor in the Grace Brethren churches, “accepted Jesus” when I was four years old, and spent most of 40 years living in a great deal of fear about displeasing God and not being “in his will”.

    One of the beliefs I adopted as an 18 year old was the “Quiver Full” mentality abo…[Read more]