Romanticizing the Past

Blog Forums Reconstruction Sexuality & Relationships Romanticizing the Past

This topic contains 20 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  Tracey 3 months, 3 weeks ago.

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    Profile photo of starfielder

    Robin, ha ha  ha ha, are you sure we don’t have the same mother?



    lol @starfielder.  I don’t know.  I do know that mom DID have the talk with my older sister.  Mostly because my older sister had a LOT of boyfriends.  I wasn’t really a flirter/dater in high school.  But it was still dumb to act like I just didn’t have some kind of sex drive.  I do think my sexuality was repressed and that the repression has probably had some negative effects on my psyche.

    Profile photo of SassyShae

    @starfielder @robink I think we all had the same mother! My mother NEVER had the talk with me. In school, they skipped over that chapter in health class. Finally, my best friend’s mom gave me the basics and then a good friend sat down with me in college and opened her human sexuality book taught me quite a bit. I really do think not having a good sex ed when I truly needed it affected me negatively, and being told at church that sex was horrible and only for married people didn’t help.

    I recently read an article in a Christian magazine that reported over 80% of Christians are not virgins when they get married. If you have teenagers, you must acknowledge this and prepare them as best you can. Birth control is not evil. Neither are condoms. Yes, stress that they should wait until they are mature enough to make good choices, but be realistic, too.

    Kudos to you parents that are trying to keep communication lines and trust avenues open. My niece is 20 and her mother’s head is in the sand, so I am the voice of “reason” for this kid/woman. I just reinforce that she make good, wise choices and that she owns the consequences no matter what they are.

    Profile photo of starfielder

    @Sassy, my best friend in 7th grade gave me the basics and the anatomy lesson that I needed. I bought Master’s and Johnson’s book: Sex and Human Loving, in college since I had no idea about any of it other than what my best friend had told me back in 7th grade. Sigh. ridiculous. Thank you Master’s and Johnson!



    Haha, my parents changed their minds too, when I went to university. Back then I was still very much into the traditional Christian way and thought they’d been watching too many art movies :-D :-D :-D
    It’s a strange moment when you realise that your parents are just human too – figuring things out as they go along, making mistakes.



    My kiddo is about to turn 20 and has her first boyfriend. Both she and my niece hate the idea that my extended and mostly Christian family are “watching” them re: relationships/purity. I wish it was better for them . . . I hated it as well. I remember thinking that it didn’t matter what I thought, felt, or the character of who I was with, the only thing that mattered was that I wouldn’t get pregnant and shame them . . .

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