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Letter: Everything is Assimilated

I spent the day yesterday with two friends of mine, Brad Jersak and Peter Fitch, both theologians. Brad lives out in western Canada but comes to St. Stephen’s University every semester to teach crash courses. He was out this way and actually asked me to come and join...

Letter: Feeling your Feelings

When we change our beliefs and our allegiances, it’s also necessary to change our feelings about our feelings. I don’t know about you, but I was taught to not only distrust my feelings, but to neglect them, ignore them, repress them, apologize for them, and even...

Meet a Member Podcast: Robin Kirk Part 2

A couple of years ago I interviewed Robin Kirk for our Meet a Member podcast. In it she talks a lot about the onset of her deconstruction, including her debilitating fear of Hell. I thought it would be helpful to go back and interview her again two years later to see...