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abuse or persuasion?

I can't count how many times this has been used on me. And when I resisted I was called a weakling. A wimp. A spiritual pussy. Back in 1997 when we were going through a horrendous church split, largely due to the intrusion of the previous pastor in our affairs, I met...

spiritual exercise with Dr. Seuss and Burning Man

A friend sent me this video today. I wept all the way through it. Experiences like this I call "spiritual". How did you react to it? I'd like to know. I'm not sure exactly why I found it so moving. Was it... I want to go to Burning Man? the people there look happy? I...

katiepearl: Bullied out of my job

The internet has been the release valve on a very painful time; four years ago, I left my job as marketing manager for a small Christian charity, because I had been bullied to the point of a breakdown by the chief executive officer. In public, he was charming and...


One of the benefits of this site that I expected was the finding of companionship. But I didn't expect it to be as wonderful as it is. I wanted to provide a place for companionship to happen. I talk with so many people every week who feel so alone in their spiritual...

admin: story telling time

Hey members! We have a page just for telling your story. Go HERE. Tell us your story. Share a little bit about yourself. We want to know. We care! Only members can see this page. And once I preview it I will post it to the community page just like a regular post....

exorcise the question

One of the most important functions of this site is to provide a safe space for us to ask the tough questions. As you might already know, the art of questioning is very important to me. I consider it crucial for maturity, wisdom and spiritual health. To be able to do...

online relationships

Many people tell me that online relationships are shallow, superficial, and even false. Maybe at first I might have agreed. Now I flatly disagree. I have made some incredible friends online, some strong connections, and even life-long companions. Online relationships...

Sophia Rising

What freedom Sophia now enjoys! Nothing can stop her. It used to be that everything and everyone held her back and held her down. Now she knows that she is no one's slave. She is her own master. She is liberated. She will rise! I've pointed this out before... that...

somebody that i used to know

This cartoon is based on the popular and much over-played song by Gotye. You know the one. Thanks to my friend William Lehman for the idea. Is this true for you? Tell us how... Purchase the original drawing, or buy a print of the cartoon. (use your 30% OFF coupon...

you were better before… and after?

The Corinthian correspondence... which almost all scholars believe is Pauline, even though maybe not penned by Paul himself... insists that God called us as we are. The argument is against the notion that once you are called, then you have to measure up... with...