What Do You Do When You’re Condescended To?
Don’t you just love it when you’re condescended to? Don’t you just love it when someone thinks they’re better than you? No? Me neither. I was going through some old emails yesterday and came across an some correspondence between me and another guy from years ago. I...
Being Heard is Being Healed
The Lasting Supper is a different kind of community. I’m not saying we’re special. Okay… maybe I am. But not in a boastful way. Just in a matter-of-fact way. I’ve been a member of many online communities, and from my observation they just don’t do well. There is...
Are You Trapped, or Afraid?
One of the worst feelings for me to feel is “trapped”. There have been several times in my life where I’ve felt trapped. In a job. In a relationship. In a belief system. I find it interesting now that each and every time I felt trapped… sometimes for years… it took a...
How I’m Ending a Toxic Relationship
It was like a light came on. I suddenly realized I was in a toxic relationship. For years! Here’s how the light came on: I noticed my feelings. I was angry. I had just been disrespected and condescended to. I HAD JUST BEEN VIOLATED! The choice was immediate: continue...
Reactions to your Change
I had a strange conversation the other day that is like so many other conversations I’ve had since I left the ministry and the church in 2010. However, thinking back on it, being fiercely independent with an unquenchable curiosity for the truth, I’ve experienced these...
We Visited the First Church I Ever Served
Lisa and I, in our BC days (before children), moved to Prince Edward Island (home of Anne of Green Gables) right after my Masters in New Testament Studies. I had accepted a job as Assistant to the Minister at Zion Presbyterian Church in Charlottetown. This was in...
5 STEPS TO RECOVERY FROM SPIRITUAL ABUSE 1. Admit that it happened. What I find with many people who've experienced abuse is that they can't believe that such a thing happened to them in the church. It is repugnant to them that an organization that boasts about grace...
When to Push Back
WHEN TO PUSH BACK One of our members asked in our Facebook group something to the effect, “When do you finally speak up or push back?” I thought I would share with you what I do. I finally speak up: 1. When I feel I’m being seriously violated in some way… when my...
Goodbye Chris McGill
For those of you not keeping up with the news in our private Facebook group, I have an announcement you should hear. One of our founding members and facilitators, Chris McGill, passed away suddenly on Thursday. He was at work and was found in the bathroom. The autopsy...