It’s okay to be fluid!
I live on the Kennebecasis River. It’s deep, wide, and beautiful. It also changes every day. No two days is it the same. It’s constantly moving. It has a constant impact on its surroundings. We’ve lived here for 13 years. Sometimes we consider moving. But then we...
Podcast: Anne Clay, David Hayward, and Streams Ministries
I worked for John Paul Jackson of Streams Ministries International. When we moved to New Hampshire in 2002 to do this, we meet Anne Clay... her real name is Ruth. We became good friends and still are to this day. She's also a member of TLS. The other day I mentioned...
Freedom Scary? Here are Some Guidelines:
This is inspired by one of the very first posts I wrote for TLS way back in 2012. When you leave the church, you might feel a little lost. You might feel that your spirituality, like water poured out of a bottle into the sand, is just spreading out in all directions...
What do you if you leave the ministry?
This letter is especially for those of us who have left or are thinking about leaving the ministry. If this doesn't include you, you might at least find it interesting because of the special challenges clergy face. Also, I think a lot of this applies to those of us...
Letter: this is about my father issues
Happy New Year everyone! Please please please… if you haven’t already please renew your account! Everyone needs to respond. It’s so important. Thanks. And if you’ve already responded, thanks to you too, so much! I’ve been thinking a lot about my relationship with my...
Viktor Frankl and Finding Meaning
Viktor Frankl, in his famous book Man's Search for Meaning, shares about a time he was participating in a group therapy session, complied of a variety of people who were experiencing a variety of sufferings. As we know, Frankl's primary interest in logotherapy, which...
10 Things I Could be Embarrassed About
Hi my friends! This morning as I was catching up on the news online, I came across a video of one of the Brownsville, Florida, revival meetings. In case you didn’t know, I was in the middle of the whole renewal movement. You know… that phenomenon that really began at...
my top 10 most influential books revisited
Some of you requested that I write out the list of books that have most influenced me. So here you go. Understand that there are many authors that have impacted my life, and I will talk more about them in other posts… people like Eugene Peterson, C. S. Lewis, Zizek,...
a FREE GIFT and a couple of announcements
Hi Everyone: I did this drawing the other day called "The Voyage of Saint Brendan". I was thinking of you guys while I drew it because he totally reminds me of us! So I'm giving you a free high-quality download of it to use on your devices or to print out. This is a...