what the heck’s happening with TLS and 2 confessions
Hi TLSers: So, ya, what the heck’s happening with TLS? You might have noticed a few things: We’ve raised the price of TLS and invited all TLSers to renew their memberships.' We’ve been noticing a lack of significant growth for the past few months. In fact, the...
Long Term Renewal Option
Hi TLSers! The other day one of our members asked about longer term memberships. In fact, they asked for a life-time membership. To be honest, it was a new idea. It caught me off guard. But after thinking about it, talking about it, and researching it, I thought,...
You don’t have to submit to harm!
Suffering is built into the theology of many religions. The Christianity and the church know a lot about suffering. Unfortunately, my experience and the experience of many has been that this is often used against us rather than for us. How? I will share from my own...
Please Read: Big Changes at TLS
Hi TLSers: The Lasting Supper is growing into some major changes. I’ve been posting about this all week, but maybe you haven’t seen the news yet. There will be new courses, better discussion moderation, more members, and more. And - apologies for a bit of sticker...
A Bit About Our Growth Plan
Dear TLSers: Change is inevitable, exciting, and scary. I think it’s a little easier when we plan good changes and make them happen, and so that’s what we’re doing here at TLS. It also helps when you know what changes are coming. That’s why I wrote this post. TLS...
The Price Increase: Why it is necessary?
WHERE WE'RE GOING! Dear TLSers Nobody likes a price increase. I get that. Unfortunately, the current price of TLS was based on an idea that just didn’t work out. I’ve explained the situation and shared the history. Here, I’m going to lay out the simple financial...
The Lasting Supper Growing in 2016! Part 2: How we got where we are
Dear TLSers: I have worked long and hard on this letter and all that has worked up to its necessity. Please read it all. Thanks beforehand. OUR FIRST COMMUNITY The Lasting Supper was launched originally in 2012 as www.davidhayward.ca. After realizing that it just...
The Lasting Supper Growing in 2016! Part 1: Great New Stuff
Dear TLSers: With the help of friends and long-term TLS members, I’ve been thinking about how I want to grow with you all in 2016. Our first three years together have been quite a journey. I’ve learned a lot. I think we all have. We’ve built a solid community where it...
Appreciating Your Losses and Sorrows
Good morning my friends. Today, I’m thinking about our losses and gains. I’m thinking about moving out and moving on. I’m thinking about how we evolve even though we are aware of the risks involved. So I’m giving you a high-resolution download of my newest painting,...