Slice #3: Eric Soto
Slice #3: Eric Soto. Meet one of our TLS members!
Meet a Member: Lisa Samson
Take a listen to yet another fascinating member of TLS, Lisa Samson: Click on this link to listen--> Wraps #1- Lisa Samson
thankful you guys are made of stretchy material
You've heard this joke, haven't you? What is the stretchiest material in the bible? Skin, because Moses tied his ass to a tree and walked to Bethel. I'm thankful you guys are made of stretchy material. We keep making changes at The Lasting Supper, but it's only...
The Lasting Supper Podcast Episode 2: Ronna Detrick
Ronna Detrick
The Lasting Supper Podcast has begun!
I've launched The Lasting Supper Podcast! Basically, the content is me interviewing you guys, as well as others who are interested in the same things we are: spiritual freedom and independence. If you would like to share your story and be interviewed by me, let me...
how i’m a Christian and an Atheist at once
While I was walking my dog this morning in the warm sunlit air along the river I was thinking about how what I call the z-theory is basically trinitarian in structure. I'm trying to articulate this theory because it helps me understand why I can be a Christian and an...
i wouldn’t be better off with a label
Yesterday someone tweeted about me: "… and then fucking nakedpastor says sometimes he's an atheist himself - I say go with that and make it all the time - you'd be better off!" The pressure to conform to a certain group or label is relentless and sometimes even cruel....
our first Lasting Supper podcast “Meet a Member: Ren”
Hey everyone! I'm excited about our first The Lasting Supper Podcast! On Monday mornings I hope to have a new podcast up called "Meet a Member". Today you get to meet "Ren". Click on the link to listen. It is also available on iTunes under The Lasting Supper Podcast....
Exercise: don’t issue commands
After Lisa and I read the super-amazing little paperback, "How To Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk", we changed the way we communicated, not only with your kids, but with each other and other people. It revolutionized our speech. But more than...