
Blog Forums Reconstruction Theology & Philosophy Reincarnation

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    Profile photo of SavageSoto

    What do you think about the concept of reincarnation in general? I’ve spent the good portion of my life just flat out dismissing the possibility simply because I didn’t see it as the “biblical” teaching (along with many things) but now that I’ve moved beyond that narrow field of vision it seems to make sense even if I cant really support it with much of anything. I dunno though.


    David Hayward

    I see reincarnation as another attempt to explain our sense of the continuity of life. Some might say it’s our way of answering our fear of death. But I think it’s more than that. Heaven or Hell. Reincarnation as a greater or lesser being. They are ways to explain what we hope or suspect is the eternity of existence, but with a moral twist.

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    I have an innate belief in reincarnation, maybe b/c it helps me to make sense of certain things. Like, why did I have frequent nightmares starting at age 5 about being a teenage girl who was pregnant and in trouble. I had to hide it from everyone. I wore baggy clothes, etc. The dream always ended before I actually gave birth or anything. These dreams continued until I had a tubal ligation at age 31, then they just stopped. What was up with that dream I had in young adulthood I guess about a huge blimp full of people blowing up right in front of my face? I either knew it was going to happen and didn’t say anything, or I told people it would happen and they didn’t believe me. It was the most vivid dream I’ve ever had. One of those like on TV where you wake up with a start, sitting straight up in bed with your eyes wide open, heart pounding. Above all why have I never felt safe walking upon the face of the earth? Never felt like I belonged here. Always felt rejected, despised. At age 14 this weird thing would sometimes happen where I’d be at school and for no reason my legs would buckle out from under me and I’d fall down. One time I was standing on the bleachers. It made me less popular than I already was, if that was possible. Flash forward to adulthood, I went thru a phase where I got a ton of ‘psychic healing’ and ‘energy work’ done. It actually helped a lot, most of it. But the practitioners would always say, sometimes with great frustration, that they couldn’t ‘ground me’ or get my ‘root chakra’ to function properly and this was causing a lot of my symptoms and problems. So I invested time and money on various remedies for the root chakra, wore a ton of red even though I’ve always hated that color with a passion, etc. One day I simply cried out to God in prayer that I was sick of this, tired of living this way, tired of these practitioners being frustrated with me, tired of nothing working, tired of wasting my money, tired of wearing this damned red. I demanded an explanation; I said this problem was a source of embarassment and discomfort for me in a lot of personal and private ways and enough was enough. Later that day I had one of my healing sessions. During it I heard the words “14” and “volcano” and came to understand that in some lifetime, in some dimension of time and space, I was sacrificed in a volcano at age 14. These healers use muscle testing to determine the validity of a statement, and it tested as true. I felt a sense of relief, like I had an explanation for a lot of things that had always made me feel weird and defective, including mysteriously falling down at age 14. Do I have proof of reincarnation? No. Maybe I’m either a little psychic or a little psycho. Maybe I’m neither. Maybe I’m both. Maybe God just heard my heartfelt prayer and answered it in a way that would resonate with me. Either way, it’s kewl. God loves me for who I am. For who I’ve always been. I’m working on loving myself and others that way, too. And that’s good enough for me. I rest in the mystery.



    Kathy, I love your story! It is the sort of story that shows us how much we don’t know about the world beyond what we can see and touch.



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    Thanks for your kind reply, Wade. There’s a lot of gnostic literature indicating that all references to reincarnation were purposefully removed from the bible. I think that’s a distinct possibility. Also, there’s been some videos surfacing in the last few years of very young children recalling vivid, specific details of their most recent past lifetime. Like I said I am open to the mystery and am comfortable with not knowing for sure.

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    I had lunch recently with a friend who believes in reincarnation. She made an interesting point. She said she thought child prodigies had to have lived a previous life because how else could they be so advanced musically, etc.  I’d never really thought about it, but it does make sense.

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    I think reincarnation is an amusing and useful idea, particularly for the class structure and society of India, it is a huge source of hope and submissive energy for the “untouchables”, I would imagine.  I have never felt particularly drawn to it, since I see my faith in Christ as an ultimate “trump card” over any other religions dogma. For me the story of Jesus is much more akin to the realization of Nirvana in the Hindu religion. Does that make sense?

    Profile photo of Ang

    @Kathy Shogren  I loved reading your story.  I think we all must be open to what we each feel and are in tune with; I think we are all different and what is right and true for one isn’t necessarily right and true for ‘everyone’.  And my wish is that people were more accepting of others.  

    My brother and sister-in-law say when they die they want to be reincarnated and come back as my dogs.

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    Hi Jo, I was reading something lately, I think it was the lastest Kryon channeling, that was referencing what your friend was saying @ reincarnation. They were talking about how a soul will devote many lifetimes to perfecting a skill, say for example, playing the piano, and when they come back in they will simply pick up where they left off in the last lifetime. Thanks for your views, Kathy and thanks for your kind words Ang. I also have an extensive waiting list of people who say they want to be my dogs in their next lifetime, ha! In my view 80 years or so is not much in the vast expanse of time and I can’t imagine having only that brief period to perfect this thing called earth living, and then I just go someplace for all eternity and do I don’t know what, I don’t know where. I have faith that a merciful and benevolent God will give me all the time and space I need to reach the level of evolution that I choose for myself. Peace, everyone.

    Profile photo of starfielder

    Ang, when I die I want to come back as your dog too.

    Profile photo of Ang

    @starfielder  Okay, and I’ll come back as your dog!  All set!  

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    LOL, I am outta here!  Next on the my spiritual agenda is a cosmic cruise through the galaxies of this and however many other universes ABBA wants to take me through. lol. I have a deep love and excitement/attraction to the many different galaxies we have discovered through our space traveling telescopes. I have already prayed and asked for this. I received a vision of a portion of this trip a few years ago.  My plans are set, lol.  I am not bound to this planet, anymore.  :)

    Profile photo of Sandy G.
    Sandy G.

    “I’ve spent the good portion of my life just flat out dismissing the possibility simply because I didn’t see it as the “biblical” teaching”

    Me too.  Only recently have I given it any real thought.  I still have no clue, but it’s fascinating to consider.

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    Kathy, are you making fun of me? It is hard to know how to take your comments since they are so often cloaked in lol’s and smiley faces. This is supposed to be a place where we pay $75 to be assured of a safe and monitored environment in which to make ourselves vulnerable and express our true beliefs without fear of being ridiculed, patronized or belittled. I must say in this thread that has not been my experience.

    Profile photo of moxierocks

    In general, I find the concept of reincarnation absolutely fascinating! I also find my gut instinct admitting that is seems actually rather plausible, based on the cycles of death and re-birth that we see all around us. I was always cautioned away from exploring other philosophies and concepts, so it’s been a wild and colorful ride now that I’m totally free to see what’s out there. I was almost immediately drawn to reincarnation once I stepped outside the gates. Right now, I feel that just leaving the possibility for it to be real is helpful to my personal energy. (If that makes any sense)

    I had recurring dreams from a very young age that have made me wonder if I’m not having “memories” from a past life, but I don’t have anything as dramatically suggestive as @roseyaire does in her story. (Which I am massively intrigued by! I am so glad that you were able to find some peace and a measure of closure from those very unsettling experiences throughout your life!)

    Personally, I want to come back as a tree.


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