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your arms extend to me

Hi guys! You know, I never ever expected that TLS would become the community it has. It just goes to show that I think what we want most out of life is love. We want to be connected. Actually, the desire for connection is a desire for the manifestation of what already...

Meet a Member podcast: Rhys Frank

So instead of taking a holiday I’m back at work. Maybe you heard about our car crash yesterday. Just 45 minutes from home and we hydroplaned into a guard rail, effectively putting an end to our vacation. Our bodies are sore but our spirits are sorer. We’ll...

cast off restraint

Malcolm Gladwell is coming out with a new book, David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits and the Art of Battling Giants. I’m looking forward to reading this one just like I have all his others. From what I gather, he suggests that rather than there being the odd...