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Two ideas that stabilize where I am

The idea that no single religion lays exclusive claim to experiences of God and the supernatural pushed me away from religious exclusivism. Likewise, the idea that there will probably always be dimensions to life that science won’t be able to articulate pushed...

The Exodus from Christianity

I find that the exodus from Christianity has been in large part about living within the tension of wanting to find a new spiritual “home” and exposing myself to and considering all the different perspectives that are out there. Put another way, I would...

What keeps things going in love?

So, I’m talking to a girl on eharmony now which may or may not progress into anything –I want to be positive and hopeful yet not too hopeful I guess. I think it’s safe to say though that after like 5 years of trying these dating sites she’s...

Sometimes, I am my own trigger

I wonder if sometimes we who are deconstructing cause more pain and anger for ourselves than is necessary? Don’t get me wrong, those emotions are necessary to work through in my opinion. But I wonder if sometimes we subconsciously find our identity in the fight...