by David Hayward | Jan 31, 2014 | Daily Toast, Feelings
You’re new wine. Many of the biblical characters stayed within an institution as long as they could until it could no longer contain them so that they either rebelled or were expelled. Abraham and his father’s house. Moses and Egypt. Jeremiah and Israel....
by David Hayward | Jan 30, 2014 | Daily Toast, Feelings
I wrote a post and drew a cartoon today for nakedpastor that has to do with denial called “Life’s Tsunamis and the Four Stages of Denial”. You might find it helpful. But I thought I would write the opposite for you as a balance. Sometimes it’s...
by David Hayward | Jan 29, 2014 | Daily Toast, Spirituality
(*** This picture is my wood-cut/block print of my favorite theologian Karl Barth, based on the last photograph of him alive.) In the old days when there weren’t so many books, people would stay with a book for a long time. Then, people would sink into a book...
by Keetcha | Jan 28, 2014 | Spirituality
A few years later at the ripe old age of 13 I was confirmed in a ceremony, where my dad warned me beforehand that the Bishop would slap me in the face. Dad thought it was funny. I didn’t, I was properly terrified. Of course no such thing happened. The Bishop...
by David Hayward | Jan 28, 2014 | Daily Toast, Spirituality
Pete Seeger is dead at 94. He was chopping wood 10 days ago. He co-wrote “Where Have All the Flowers Gone?”, one of America’s most iconic songs. Hence the cartoon. What was Seeger’s spirituality? There’s this: When asked about his...
by David Hayward | Jan 27, 2014 | Daily Toast, Spirituality
I saw this image the other day of Orthodox priests praying between the police and protesters in Kiev during the riots. It’s a powerful image that reminds me of an apocalyptic computer game. It moved me deeply. I’m often asked how I pray. This is intimately...
by David Hayward | Jan 26, 2014 | David's Letters, I'm confused
It’s okay to hide. We’ve talked about this before. I did this sculpture a few years ago. I call it “Shelter”. It is made out of Brazilian soapstone. The pebble is from the beach in front of our house. To be honest, today I would like to be that...
by David Hayward | Jan 25, 2014 | Exercises
For today’s Saturday Spiritual Supplement, I’m suggesting we do a little art therapy. I came across this little art therapy exercise. I’m not much into this kind of thing but this one spoke to me. Exercise: What one (ONE!) road sign would you choose...
by David Hayward | Jan 24, 2014 | Daily Toast, Feelings
I drew this cartoon a couple of years ago. But it so aptly pictures what happens on TLS all the time. This is why I think you guys are amazing: you are in touch with your struggle you have the courage to share you patiently listen you graciously offer support Do you...
by David Hayward | Jan 23, 2014 | Daily Toast, Feelings
I’ve read this, and I’ve experienced this to be true. Often the traumas we experience are so difficult and even so impossible to deal with that we allow them to freeze over. As a result, our traumas with all the associated memories and pains are no longer...
by lynnie | Jan 22, 2014 | Feelings
Recently i had a brawl with a friend of mine, i went visiting her for the weekend but while there i kind of felt like i was being taken for granted in one way or the other. She had had a root canal and i knew she was in pain and all wasnt fine but she was well. She...
by David Hayward | Jan 22, 2014 | Daily Toast, Spirituality
Wouldn’t it be lovely if we could suddenly live our lives with no anxiety at all and no ambiguity? We would fulfill the preachers’ cry that demands we must not worry and that we should not doubt, that we should always be at peace and clear on what is true...
by David Hayward | Jan 21, 2014 | Daily Toast, Spirituality
One of the biggest problems with religion is that it focuses on the fruit rather than the root. Remember the parable Jesus told about the gardner who found the tree that wasn’t bearing any fruit and he was going to dig it up and burn it? The owner said to dig...
by | Jan 20, 2014 | Feelings
Two years ago my husband and I moved from Pittsburgh, PA to a small coastal town in North Carolina. I will call it Mayberry, USA. We had found this 2 traffic light village from driving through it on our yearly vacations to a nearby resort. The idea of living the...
by David Hayward | Jan 20, 2014 | Daily Toast, Ideas
Welcome to The Lasting Supper! Welcome to The Lasting Supper where you can help yourself! I’m so glad you decided to join us. We are a very active community with over 300 members so far. The community itself provides so many resources as well as mutual support...
by Wade | Jan 20, 2014 | Ideas
(I’m never sure how to cross-post from my blog to here. Bear with me as I try something a bit different.) I’ve been reading a Brian McLaren book, Church On The Other Side. McLaren is a fairly progressive Christian, keen to help church-goers and churches to stop...