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WHY TLS IS DIFFERENT I’m not saying there aren’t other groups out there like TLS. I’m just saying I don’t know of any. I think it’s because our core value is that we entrust each person to their own journeys… whether we call them spiritual or otherwise (when I use the...


STRAY OR STAY? This last weekend Lisa and I went on a mini-vacation. We visited some good old friends… friends I got ordained with many years ago. They are now all retired or retiring and living off their pensions. At one point I asked one of them, “So what did I walk...

A Book You Gotta Read

A BOOK YOU GOTTA READ Today’s letter is very simple. I want to recommend a lovely book to you. It’s “Search Inside Yourself” by Chade-Meng Tan. The reason I like it is because it is written so simply, clearly, and with a good dose of humor. The humor is already...

Is It Safe?

IS IT SAFE? Some people assume I’ve got my act together because I help others through their deconstruction process. Not! I just returned from visiting my family for over a week.  I love them, and they love me. But it became obvious to me that I still haven’t got it...

Why I’m Exhausted

For Pride Month I posted a lot of cartoons advocating for the LGBTQ+ community. So many people hated on me, sent me nasty messages, and unfriended or unfollowed me. All believers. I’m exhausted! And discouraged. Yesterday when I went for a run I was grateful that I...

Weird is Weird

I frequently get messages from people claiming that the bad things I address that happen in churches happens only in conservative, evangelical, and especially charismatic churches. Wrong! I’ve been around. If you read my bio on nakedpastor you’ll see that I’ve...

Forgiving Your Factions

FORGIVING YOUR FACTIONS I talk with people all the time who are going through deconstruction. One of the things I’m passionate about helping people process is the forgiving their former selves. We know the only way there will be peace on earth is if we learn to love...