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funny is good

I drew what I hope is a funny cartoon and told some stories this morning on nakedpastor called Call Dexter For a Spatter Analysis. This is one of the stories I told: "I served an older congregation in an old church building. Presbyterian. It was a blistering hot...

are you afraid of fear?

Today I drew a cartoon and wrote a post called Garbage for Brains. You might want to take a minute to read it. There's some fascinating links there to an inspiring and insightful video about advertising and women, as well as the CEO of Abercrombie & Fitch...

fortify yourself, empower yourself

Take a moment to read my cartoon and post on nakedpastor this morning called "Vows of Silence aren't Always Holy". It might be disturbing for you. It might make you sad. It might dredge up memories. It might make you angry. I'm sure it will make you feel something....

you get out what you put in

When Lisa and I were in the church friendship was automatic. Friends were handed to you on a silver platter, already packaged and ready to go. Especially as the pastor, everyone in the church is your friend whether you like it or not. When we left the church we had to...

quiet on our anniversary

I wrote this for the nakedpastor but I wanted to share it with all of you. I'm a little quiet online this weekend. Here's my explanation: Lisa and I are celebrating our 33rd wedding anniversary this weekend. We are very proud of our achievement. It has been years of...

how do you roll?

Something I hear a lot from people every day is the expression, "This is how I roll". It actually makes sense. I think it is a good thing to recognize how you roll. How you do things. How you think. How you typically respond. How you feel. How you are. It shows a...

can you remember an early childhood story?

Many years ago when I had my first spiritual director, she gave me an assignment. She asked me to write what she called my "spiritual history" from as far back as I could remember. That was a very meaningful exercise with surprising results. One of the stories I told...

now is the new normal

When we change our minds, something else has to change too. Let me try to explain: when you change your mind, who is it that says, "I've changed my mind"? Freud taught us that we have our Ego, but then we have our Super Ego… that which judges the Ego. I've noticed...

Potluck: “Can I Be Feminist and Spiritual?”

Yesterday's Potluck was fantastic. If you weren't there, you can now watch "Can I Be Feminist and Spiritual?". Even though Amy had center seat, the discussion involved many members of TLS. But I think we're getting better at this Potluck thing. Thanks Amy! You were...