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TLS and base camp

Why I think TLS is important! Something I learned after years of being a pastor of local churches is that community is a great idea… until the people get together. The idea is always sweeter than the actuality. Being in community is hard work. I don't believe there...

another hangout “Sharing Shared Experiences”

Some important housekeeping: On Sunday we're having another Google Hangout at 3pm Atlantic Time (2pm EST, 1pm CST, 12pm MST, 11am PST, 6pm London, UK, 2am Monday in Singapore, 5am Monday in Sydney, AU). It's called "Sharing Shared Experiences". To notify that you plan...

some things i’ve learned from Job

An interesting thread that ended up talking about Job is developing. You should check it out: Abuses In The Name of Christianity. I said that I believed Job is the biblical book for out time. Here’s some things to learn from Job:  He never found out why he suffered as...

no particular incident

Some people leave the church because of a horrific and traumatic incident. But most of the people I talk with who have left the church can't point to any one particular incident that lead to their departure. Rather, when they look back, they see a gradual drifting...

be manipulated no more!

You have every right to be free. This means that you never have to submit to the control of others. You never have to take condescending speech from other people. Ever! Most of the people I know who have left the church have done so, not so much because of overt...

pity party table for one

Even though I posted this on nakedpastor this morning, I wanted to post it here because it is in defense of the members of The Lasting Supper. I don't know of anyone here enjoying a pity party. You all seem strong, healthy and wise to me. And you're fun to hang out...

check your spam boxes

Hey everyone! Every day I send out Daily Bread from The Lasting Supper. Then on Sundays I send out our weekly, and more personal, "lapletters". Check your spam boxes to make sure you are receiving them. Today I included a free gift... a free download of my painting...

Potluck Hangout: “Moving On With Meaning”

So today we had our first hangout and it was a success. It was called "Moving On With Meaning" with Richard Harty, one of our members. The hangout was FULL! You can watch our conversation here: . This is exclusively for TLS members, so please keep it private....

we are making whoopee

Annie Dillard, in her classic Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, writes: Thomas Merton wrote, ‘There is always a temptation to diddle around in the contemplative life, making itsy-bitsy statues.’ There is always an enormous temptation in all of life to diddle around making...

alone in the universe

We are lonely in the universe. We can surround ourselves with other people, but as long as we aren’t living openly with ourselves then we will continue to experience this loneliness. Plus it helps to find at least one other person. I have a few people locally who I am...