When we decide to be spiritually independent and free, at the same time we are deciding to take risks. When we refuse to meet up to other peoples' expectations for us, then we have to count the costs. One of the risks, one of the costs, is how being independent can...
Potluck: “Is It Worth the Risk to be Feminist and Spiritual?”
Our Potluck went really well last night. We talked about "Is It Worth the Risk to be Feminist and Spiritual?". As usual, we pick up speed as we go along to the point where it always feels like we are shutting down prematurely. What got the discussion really going was...
Potluck: “Can I Be Feminist and Spiritual?”
Yesterday's Potluck was fantastic. If you weren't there, you can now watch "Can I Be Feminist and Spiritual?". Even though Amy had center seat, the discussion involved many members of TLS. But I think we're getting better at this Potluck thing. Thanks Amy! You were...
Potluck Hangout: “Changing In Front of Your Children”
What an incredible Potluck! By the way... if you guys have any suggestions for future potlucks, including times, topics and other practicalities, please let me know. I always love the surprising variety of nutritious food everyone brings to the table. This isn't just...
a spiritual exercise: Malick’s film “To the Wonder”
I highly recommend watching "To The Wonder" by Terrence Malick. He wrote and directed my favorite movie of all time, "The Thin Red Line". I love anything he does. But this one... wow! Watch it if you can. I found the rich spiritual/philosophical themes overwhelmingly...
announcing Potluck Hangout “Changing In Front of Your Children”
I just want to inform you of the Potluck we're doing on Sunday, 1pm PST, called "Changing In Front of Your Children". Sign up. This Potluck Hangout is specifically about how to spiritually change in front of your children. For example, if you begin to deconstruct your...
changing in front of your children
One of the most challenging tasks Lisa and I ever took up was changing in front of our children. I don't mean our clothes. I mean our spirituality. Even though Lisa and I left the church three years ago when our three children were young adults, deconstructing in...
Potluck Hangout: “I Think I’m An Atheist”
Thanks @Richard, @JeffRoach, @moxierocks and @servantgirl for a great Potluck! We all love what you brought to the table.
practicing the presence
If you've never read Anne Lamott, I recommend it. She's a delightful read. One foot in the church and the other in the literary world. I have this quote from her latest book, "Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essential Prayers": "If I were going to begin practicing the...
Potluck Hangout: “How I Became a Liberal Heathen”
Yesterday we had a great Hangout with one of our members, @john, called "How I Became a Liberal Heathen". I'm loving these Hangouts because that's literally what they are... Hangouts. It's great to hear each other's stories. Ya? Thanks so much for your honesty,...